British University Student signing in

New writer to CC, introduce yourself here!

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:39 am

British University Student signing in

Post by CraigKeeble »

Hello everyone. My name is Craig, I'm studying Psychology at Canterbury and I signed up to this site just last night in a frenzied flurry of excitement. I've been looking for a way to get a good source of income while I'm at University without having to get a laborious, boring, soul crushing part time job working behind a till or (worse still) as a lifeguard. This website seems like a where, if you're willing to do good quality work, you can get paid a fair amount for doing something that you already really enjoy doing.

I didn't really want to set up a website or anything as the whole process of gaining a fanbase, marketing the website, deciding how you're going to get money from it, adverts e.t.c. just seems like too much work that I'm not going to enjoy. Plus, I'm rubbish at coding and website stuff. I really do not want a boring job that I hate, and writing is the one thing I'm good at and really enjoy.

I've written a novel but it is still in an extremely rough first draft stage and I honestly don't think it's any good. Rather than give up on writing I started a blog, and now I see that I can basically get paid for blogging (though admittedly to a very high standard :p)

I've submitted a review for a videogame and an adapted blog post for review to see whether I'm up to standard. I hope I'm up to the challenge of producing good enough content for this site and I am quite confident in my writing ability. If I'm not good enough I will do whatever it takes to get good enough.

Hope to get to know you all very well in the future, and I pray I become a regular contributor!

Celeste Stewart
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Re: British University Student signing in

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Welcome. Make sure that if your "adapted blog post" is close to your original that you ask usage only for it and that the original copy is easily attributable to you. If it's completely original - same topic, different slant, different words, then you should be okay asking full rights. If in doubt, go for usage.
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:39 am

Re: British University Student signing in

Post by CraigKeeble »

I've been super careful about that. I changed my blog page so that it says my full name on there, so it's quite obvious that it belongs to me. I also have only posted it for usage rights, though I changed it a little (took out the "I"'s and so on) but it's still so similar to the version on the blog that it's obviously the same basic thing. I think I have a good understanding of how things work here - I've been trawling the forums like a madman!
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Location: Somewhere in Australia

Re: British University Student signing in

Post by Antonia »

Welcome to CC, Craig. You should do well here--I obsessively read nearly every major thread in the forums before ever submitting and it served me well. Good luck with your first submissions!
Posts: 15
Joined: Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:01 am

Re: British University Student signing in

Post by Lyndsey »

Welcome Craig,
I know the feeling about creating websites. Not always a fun proposition to some of us.

Congrats on first draft of novel. Do you write NaNoWriMo?
