What is your CC "Eureka" moment?

A place where authors can exchange ideas or thoughts. Talk about what categories are hot and which ones are not.

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Re: What is your CC "Eureka" moment?

Post by Antonia »

Congrats Henri! There was a conversation going on in another thread on the topic of longer articles selling so it's encouraging to hear about your quick sale. $60 is a good price for that wordcount, considering you can sell it again. Just keep playing with prices and you'll find the "sweet spot" in a price range where it's both competitively priced and a fair compensation.

And keep in mind that different niches have different price range points. For example weight loss is an evergreen topic that makes internet marketers a ton of money, so they can afford to pay you accordingly, but backpacking or knitting niches (for example) don't feature high-priced products and marketers can't afford to spend too much money on articles, no matter how well-written.

I've noticed that as my portfolio gets larger, I can underprice certain articles to ensure that they sell, and make up for it by overpricing other articles. So if you make only $8/hour with one topic you might make $60/hour in another topic and it averages out to a good wage. I hope this makes sense.
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Re: What is your CC "Eureka" moment?

Post by Henri »

Thanks Antonia!

You have a good point. I'm a bit lucky because I'm naturally interested in topics such as weight loss, natural health, supplements, marketing, personal development and poker (not anymore, but still remember enough to write many articles). I probably have a few more up my sleep. It feels so liberating to be able to write about what I want basically. A lot more fun than working for someone 8)

Oh and I really like the community here so far. It's awesome!

Time to eat some breakfast and start writing!
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Re: What is your CC "Eureka" moment?

Post by freelanceprowriter »

What an awesome thread! So inspiring.

My Eureka moment was, like several others here, after I was scammed by a supposed client. The articles were never published, but were very, very long. I didn't think I could sell them anywhere, but I decided to try them on CC where I had been selling bits and pieces for a while. To my surprise, I DID sell several of the articles, and at 2x the price the original client had said they would pay. That's when I really realized that I could make some cash here.

Another moment (are we allowed to have two?) was when I had done nothing on Constant for a while and was working on other things that hadn't paid me and I suddenly got my month end payment from CC . . . for nearly $100. I was thrilled, considering I hadn't submitted a darn thing in nearly 6 months! Now I get paid every month, though I'm sometimes not very active at all. Love it!
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Re: What is your CC "Eureka" moment?

Post by Karbyn »

I can tell already I would love it here, actually, as CC feels like "home" immediately.

I'm very impressed with the site, and look forward to submitting my work here.
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Re: What is your CC "Eureka" moment?

Post by Debbi »

I always knew CC was a winner, from the moment I signed up, but for the last two months I have hardly submitted anything beccause I've been snowed under with other projects. Still, I've made sales! Articles I wrote on spec and for public requests six or seven months ago have been selling and every time I get that "Article sold" email, I get a little thrill. Sure, I sell work to other content websites or do editing for private clients, but the sales here are different. These aren't assignments or editing other people's words--these sales are buyers choosing my unique approach and treatment of topics I choose myself or my interpretation of a public request out of hundreds of other choices. So gratifying and validating!

Even when I'm not actively working at CC, CC is actively working for me. :)

BTW, the article that just sold was nine months old and had had 169 hits. So never lose hope!
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Re: What is your CC "Eureka" moment?

Post by 4rumid »

Good to know! Congratulations!
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Re: What is your CC "Eureka" moment?

Post by nichewriter »

Doing a little dance here...while I was working on my 700th submission earlier tonight, I got email notices that 5 of my home biz articles sold to my usual customer. Also, I had my first private request over a week ago from a buyer who bought my Christmas lighting article. I was surprised when after a day or so, he had a private request for me to write two more for him. Then earlier this week, another buyer bought my business consulting article. He also put out a public request for the same topic. I was already working on 2 business consulting articles so I quickly worked on those and submitted. The buyer bought both articles. I don't do public requests; only if I happen to have an article already in my portfolio do I respond to those. I'm glad, however, that I responded to this one! It's been a great May so far! :D

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Re: What is your CC "Eureka" moment?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Yay Sherry! A good reminder to keep you eyes on those public requests even if you don't think that public requests are for you. You never know when a customer wants exactly what you have to offer. Sounds like an awesome start to the summer for you!
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Re: What is your CC "Eureka" moment?

Post by CraigKeeble »

I had my first two articles accepted today! Feels really good after the numerous rejections. Just glad Ed didn't decide to suspend me from the site before I got to this point :)

Wish me luck with my sales.
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Re: What is your CC "Eureka" moment?

Post by nichewriter »

Way to go, Craig! Yay! :D

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Re: What is your CC "Eureka" moment?

Post by TheUnstrungTraveler »

I had my "Eureka" moment last night. I had written an article (my first) for a customer request a couple of months ago on a niche topic that I felt was right up my alley. Unfortunately, the customer didn't purchase it and I became discouraged and have yet to write any more articles for the site.

Last night I checked my e-mail, and the approximately 600 word article had sold for $35 full rights. Suffice to say, my optimism and inspiration for freelance writing have returned. :D
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Re: What is your CC "Eureka" moment?

Post by nichewriter »

Congratulations, Traveler! :D
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Re: What is your CC "Eureka" moment?

Post by aprilk10 »

I think (hope) I am about to have a EUREKA moment! :D I have been posting on and off here for a few months with a few sales. I had a semi-eureka moment in Feb. (maybe it was March) when I sold an article for $125 and a few other smaller ones. After that though, I only had a few sales. Last week I started submitting to some of the requests again and have submitted 10 articles in the last few days, bringing my total written articles to over 50 (I think this is where they are supposed to start selling isn't it?). Currently, I have the 3 largest of these in the "waiting" status. If (fingers crossed) these go through, they will bring in $350 for only 3 articles that I spent a few hours on! I have never had an article in waiting status before, but understand it to mean that they have either been placed in a client's cart or are waiting for payment approval. Not sure if the client is the request I submitted to or a new client, as the articles were returned to public view this morning. Anybody have an average estimate on how long it generally takes an article to go through once it is in waiting status? I am excited and anxious, but not "counting my chickens before they hatch!" Guess I will have to wait and see if my eureka moment is about to happen! Maybe I should start submitting more often here!
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Re: What is your CC "Eureka" moment?

Post by TheUnstrungTraveler »

From reading a few posts on the forum concerning articles selling for very good sums (such as the $125 mentioned above), I've become curious. Do customers sometimes pay more than the author set full rights price for very well written articles, or is the author taking a risk and setting the price that high?

I'm not currently comfortable asking for more than $35 an article, largely due to still refining my style (new to this, primarily a creative writer) but I was just curious (I know, it kills the cat sometimes :D ).
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Re: What is your CC "Eureka" moment?

Post by aprilk10 »

Traveler: If you haven't looked at the public requests yet, there are some clients who offer to pay $100-$150 and even more for articles. These generally are longer articles that take a bit of time and research, though still an amazing price! I, like you, was a bit skeptical at first about placing that high of a price tag on any article, but decided to give it a try with one of those requests. To my amazement, it sold a couple of days later! If you watch the "recently sold" articles, there are many that sell for this much and higher. These generally are articles that are either for public or private requests I think. I am still apprehensive about placing that large of a price tag on an article that is not for a request, though I may try it sometime just to see what happens! No harm in putting a higher price on an article I guess, as you can always go back and lower it later! You can also select the "best offer" box to let clients know that you are willing to negotiate on the price. Those 3 articles are still in "waiting" status...can't wait to see if they actually sell and if it is a new client or the original requester! Good luck with selling your articles here! I have been astounded by the possibilities here!
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