I'm really happy to be here. Everything I've heard about this site has impressed the heck out of me. I like working with folks who are concerned with keeping the quality high and being fair to their workers.
I've been a horticulturist for the city Parks and Rec department, worked in greenhouses, worked for myself. I'm now a proofreader and work inside and I feel very fortunate. Having worked outside in the blistering August heat for years, I am now extremely grateful for air conditioning!
I'm looking forward to meeting all you folks! And if anyone has a gardening question, feel free to ask me.
Welcome, Melinda! I think you'll enjoy it here, with your background. At the moment my husband and I are housesitting for a retired couple with a beautiful garden...unfortunately I know nothing about gardening but I did figure out that you're supposed to pick the caterpillars off the rocket before making a salad I may send some questions your way if I decide to plant anything exciting!
Antonia, I'll do my best to help you if you need it. There are some good plants coming over from Australia right now, so I might be able to help you, just as long as you live in a temperate zone! I have never seen a desert (sad but true) so if you're housesitting off in the Outback I may be nothing but trouble.
Housesitting in Australia ... now that's just crazy awesome.
Welcome rosefiend,
A rose lover, I presume? I've been recovering from an injury and haven't made it to tend my roses at the same level...they are showing it too.
Look forward to chatting around the forum.
I do like roses (bet you couldn't tell) and I prefer the tough roses. Being a jaded ex-horticulturist, I get impatient with any wimpy plants. If they can't stand up to average Missouri weather, why, they can just go away somewhere and wilt.
Sorry to hear you're on the disabled list. Hope you get better soon.
Lyndsey wrote:Welcome rosefiend,
A rose lover, I presume? I've been recovering from an injury and haven't made it to tend my roses at the same level...they are showing it too.
Look forward to chatting around the forum.
I'm supposed to tend the roses in the yard? Maybe that is why they look so bad! The only thing I can grow is fat.