Account suspended - what to do now?

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Account suspended - what to do now?

Post by bchadra »

Hi all,

I wrote one article for review and it was rejected for a couple of reasons. My account was consequently suspended. How can I fix this problem? Do I have to sign up for another account? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Account suspended - what to do now?

Post by nichewriter »

Suspended accounts cannot be unsuspended. Also, CC does not allow writers to create multiple accounts. Once your account is suspended, CC will no longer consider any of your submissions.
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Re: Account suspended - what to do now?

Post by bchadra »

So one strike and you are out? That is too bad. Can't say that I think too highly of this site.
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Re: Account suspended - what to do now?

Post by nichewriter »

It is actually 3 strikes, but the editor has the option to suspend a writer's account even before a writer receives 3 rejections. What was the reason stated in your rejection email? If the editor found that your submission had way too many errors (beyond the formatting), he has the prerogative to not consider any more of your work. Unlike other sites where the submission and acceptance process is pretty lax (or is actually non-existent), Constant-Content requires its writers to produce professional quality articles, and that they are able to self-edit. Our work goes through an editor before being approved for sale on the site. CC isn't for everyone, and I am sorry it didn't work out for you unfortunately.
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Re: Account suspended - what to do now?

Post by jadedragon »

From what I've seen account suspensions occur for clearly being unable to meet writing standards and for plagiarism.
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Re: Account suspended - what to do now?

Post by bchadra »

I have an account at the most stringent article authority site on the internet and even they don't have such draconian standards. It looks like the editor didn't understand the article because I couldn't find any major problems with punctuation, grammar or spelling. And since I don't plagiarize, it's simply an editors decision. I would really like more information on this person.
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Re: Account suspended - what to do now?

Post by nichewriter »

So what's this "most stringent article authority site on the internet"? I wouldn't call the standards here on CC draconian just because your article got rejected. I spotted at least two grammatical errors in your last post. If your article was rejected, you can be sure Ed found something wrong with it.
bchadra wrote:I have an account at the most stringent article authority site on the internet and even they don't have such draconian standards.
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Re: Account suspended - what to do now?

Post by 4rumid »

Nichewriter, I agree that the standards here aren't overly high, but, as I'm sure you know, slips in a forum post don't necessarily reflect the quality of the poster's article submissions.

Bchadra, you say you "couldn't find any major problems with punctuation, grammar or spelling" -- but that may be what you're missing. Even small errors may be reasons for an article to be rejected. On the other hand, your article must have had some serious problems for your account to have been suspended. What was it about the article that you think Ed might not have understood? And as someone asked above, what was the reason given for the rejection/suspension?
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Re: Account suspended - what to do now?

Post by nichewriter »

4rumid wrote:Nichewriter, I agree that the standards here aren't overly high, but, as I'm sure you know, slips in a forum post don't necessarily reflect the quality of the poster's article submissions.
4rumid, I mentioned the presence of grammatical errors in the OP's last post to emphasize a point: a writer may think his work is error-free, but as many of us here on CC have experienced before, every now and then, a fresh pair (or many) of eyes can see errors we fail to see ourselves in our work. Just the other day, I had an article rejected because I used the plural verb in my summary when it should have been singular -- and that was after letting the article sit for 3 days.

I asked originally what reason Ed gave the OP in the rejection email and never got an answer - only a generalization about CC. I didn't want to assume that the writer plagiarized. Perhaps Ed saw something in his writing style to make him decide to suspend the OP's account immediately after the first article. But we'll never know unless Ed decides to step in :)
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Re: Account suspended - what to do now?

Post by 4rumid »

Yes, absolutely, it's very easy to miss our own mistakes, and we all do it, at least occasionally.

What's interesting in this case is that often when someone writes about being suspended, it's easy to tell from their posts that their writing isn't up to snuff. Minor errors aside, the OP's forum writing isn't obviously terrible. So I'm a little curious what Ed found -- and hoping Brian will let us know what the rejection reason was . . .
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Re: Account suspended - what to do now?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

CC's forums are unique in that we can be both relaxed as well as not so much. I think that writers complaining about rejections and suspensions really need to prove themselves writingwise in their forum posts or else they lose their credibility. After all, a forum post loaded with errors wondering why an article wasn't accepted is quite telling. Most of us can guess the reason why simply by reading the post (not saying this is the case here, just generalizing). On the other hand, even expert writers spit out the occasional typo, mispelling, or misused word. We're all human and I know that I don't put nearly as much care into my forum posts as I do my articles. Either way, in my opinion, if you're going to complain about a rejection or suspension here, attention to detail adds credibility to your argument. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors do the opposite. Normally, most of us won't mention an error, but when rejections and suspensions are involved, forum posts are revealing and fair game for constructive criticism.
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Re: Account suspended - what to do now?

Post by 4rumid »

Agreed. And as much as if I were posting on this topic I'd make sure there were no errors in my post, the kind of errors in the OP's posts would be enough for a rejection, but not necessarily a suspension. That's all I'm saying.
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Re: Account suspended - what to do now?

Post by ThomasWalter »

Ok so i had my first submission and frankly i didn't read the guidelines, so it's normal if my articles was rejected. But what I'm curious of is why my articles being judged as grammatically errors? Coz I'm pretty sure I had run it with grammar and spell check. And why then my account suspended on this? Is there anyway we can do to get it back again? Emailing somebody maybe?
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Re: Account suspended - what to do now?

Post by 4rumid »


Sorry, but I have to say that it's clear from your post that you don't have a good command of written English. Sounds like you're not a native speaker. Running grammar and spell check isn't a reliable way to assess your writing -- this site is really for people who are completely comfortable with the language and can pick up their own errors. As was mentioned at the top of this thread, once your account is suspended, you can't get it back. Sorry this didn't work out, but I hope you keep working on improving! Good luck!