Account suspended due to previous publication..what to do?

Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

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Joined: Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:00 am

Account suspended due to previous publication..what to do?

Post by joviandiesto »

Hi! I uploaded an original article which was previously published. My account was suspended due to plagiarism. I am the author of the article so I believe I should be excused from plagiarism. How can I have my account re-activated?
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Joined: Fri May 28, 2010 1:25 am

Re: Account suspended due to previous publication..what to do?

Post by CJSink »

I can't make an answer on getting your account unsuspended, but all content posted here on CC should be new, and not used anywhere. Even if you own the content, it cannot be used anywhere else. It's not fair to our customers who are looking to purchase content flat out that happens to be used on your personal website, or anywhere else for that matter.
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Re: Account suspended due to previous publication..what to do?

Post by nichewriter »

To Joviandiesto: Your account may be suspended if the article you tried to submit here that's published somewhere else carries a different byline than your byline here, even if you are the original author of the article. Ed has no way of telling if you are the original author unless it is obvious when he runs your article through CC's plagiarism check.

To CJSink: Content submitted here need not be new. If you have written articles and published them on your blog (or somewhere else) and they clearly show you are the author of those articles, you can sell them here for usage rights only.
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Location: California

Re: Account suspended due to previous publication..what to do?

Post by nichewriter »

I'm quoting Ed here (from ... 145#p53145)

From our FAQ:

I submitted an article to sell for usage rights only. My articles was rejected for originality, but I am the original author of the content.

We can only accept articles that are able to be verified as original to the author. If you choose to submit content published elsewhere by you, please submit articles that are clearly credited to you with your name or the pen name you use on Constant Content. Articles that cannot be verified as original to the author cannot be accepted. If there is no name on the original publication, if the article is credited with a name that does not match your given or chosen name, or if the author's name is not easily located on the page of original publication, the article will be rejected. Do not include location of previous publication anywhere in your submission. Please note: When you submit an article that has been published elsewhere, you may ask usage rights ONLY for the article.
