So, I'm kinda new here! I actually have had a constant content account (no forum account) for a long time. I just never used it because I would write for my own niche sites. The reason I'm here today is because I had to close down my niche sites and my google adsense account and fly completely under the radar because, I have a stalker. Its actually not fun at all and has caused all sorts of headache in terms of my web presence and extra income.
So even though I have all the skills of search engine optimization, writing and wordpress website developement; I find myself here working with writing because I:
1) KNOW how to write
2) ENJOY writing
3) Can EARN money writing
4) DO NOT have to have a website and adsense

Anyway that's the story and my name is Faith.
Like my constant content bio says, when I'm not writing online; I'm enjoying the LA Music Scene!