What currency are we paid in?

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What currency are we paid in?

Post by DavidShepherd »

Quick question --

Are we paid in Canadian dollars or U.S. dollars? I initially assumed that since the company is located in Victoria it would be in Canadian funds, but from browsing around on the forums I get the impression that's not the case.

Thanks in advance!

-- Dave
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Re: What currency are we paid in?

Post by jadedragon »

Hi David - glad you could join us :) Yes the site owner is based in BC but all transactions are in US$. Payment comes by Paypal without fees. If you have not added US$ to your Paypal account I suggest you do that. Most of us have some US$ expenses (travel, buying stuff online) so banking earnings into a US$ section of Paypal saves on the automatic exchange fees.

Also there is an option to be paid twice a month or once a month. You can set that somewhere in your profile. Payment is always in the first several business days of the next month (or just after mid-month). CC is really good about paying promptly.