not the risk free suicide thread

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not the risk free suicide thread

Post by GyZ »


It was quite some time ago that I logged in to CC, as I decided to sharpen me skills - thank you, keep it up, please come again - before attempting another article. With 78 KGs of delightful bewilderment I witnessed how some of my earlier contributions produced luscious license sales while I was away, yet there are a couple of related issue-promises I'd like to hear your sober input on.

Here they are :

So far, CC always sent me an email notification if an article produced a sale - today I got such a mail, logged in to the site - more on that in a minute - and I saw that there was three sales, but only one notification. Is this a server-related issue, or, if not, what is the intricate logic behind this new protocol, if that what it is, at all. (Protocol, not logic.)

The other thing is, that I had difficulties with, is that I had difficulties logging in. I had to insist to the server that it knows me, I'm this and that with this and that PW, and finally it showed sympathy and let me in.

The - logically enough - subsequent question is minimum payment related, as I think CC may have introduced such a thing, as the company always payed me without any delay whatsoever. Am I correct to assume that there is a payment threshold now? If there is, please tell me how much it is, and forgive me for not relying on the FAQ this time.

My last question is more grammar-related, and I figure CC is a pretty good place to ask this: where would you go / where would you turn to if you would like your stuff proofread for the mistakes you do not want to incorporate? I suppose this is something you have to pay for in a sober reality, and, as such, I'm willing to do that and THEN submit stuff to CC. Now please give me a site with an army of elite proofreader Ents on it or something, please?
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Re: not the risk free suicide thread

Post by jadedragon »

The minimum payout thresh hold is now $5. If you don't get the minimum it rolls over.
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Re: not the risk free suicide thread

Post by GyZ »


thank you for the info.
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Re: not the risk free suicide thread

Post by dmgray »

Sometimes when CC sends me numerous emails at once (for successive sales or acceptances) it appears that I receive only one email. On closer inspection it is actually a few emails contained within one - I usually have to scroll down and then see the other emails. Not sure which email client you use - I have a googlemail email registered for CC and it seems to be a googlemail trait for me.
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Re: not the risk free suicide thread

Post by GyZ »


you make an excellent point. Turns out this is exactly what happened in my case, as well. Thank you for drawing my attention to my anti-attentiveness. :lol:

A CC user was kind enough to contact me about proofreading and I'm looking forward to making a deal with her, yet I still remain curious about how different authors go about proofreading their stuff. If there is a different section somewhere on these forums addressed to ponder these sentiments, then please point me there if you like and dismiss this query with ruthless efficiency.
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Re: not the risk free suicide thread

Post by BerryMac »

Hi GyZ,

I recently stumbled on a site that has built-in proofreader. I've used it to catch those hard-to-catch-myself errors I tend to make. You do have to pay for it, but I've been using the 7-day free trial and am pretty satisfied. is the site.

Sorry if posting this response is a no-no!
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Re: not the risk free suicide thread

Post by GyZ »

Hi BerryMac,

I'll pretend that I did not see it, thank you for the tip. Anyone had experience with grammar softwares? I had, but the one I tried gave me nothing but a nervous breakdown, and a shallow of it - too EZ to fool. Without naming the actual soft, anyone experienced fruity success with them? In my opinion, those applications probably have a long way to go, though they fare extraordinarily when unleashed to produce rampant results: turns out "Mother In Law" is an anagram of "Woman Hitler."
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Re: not the risk free suicide thread

Post by rosefiend »

Hey, that was a low blow! I'll have to thumb wrestle you over that one. :lol:
