Best Grammar sources (British English)

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Best Grammar sources (British English)

Post by WordCraft »

I only have a few grammar or grammar-related books:

Pocket Guide to English Usage (Eric Partridge) (not quite sure what this is. I shall have to look at it someday!)

The Oxford Writers' Dictionary - The Essential Style Guide (this book never seems to have what I want :( )

The Right Way To Improve Your English (J.E. Metcalfe) (pretty good but seems to conflict with some on-line sources)

Eats, Shoots & Leaves (Lynne Truss) (love this book!)

Does anyone have any recommendation for a really good, thorough grammar book?

I guess I could live with a very good on-line source too, but I can't sit in my comfy chair with it, take it to bed or spend as long reading it.

British English only :)
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Re: Best Grammar sources (British English)

Post by jak »

Eric Partridge wrote lots of English Grammar books. I have Usage and Abusage: A Guide to Good English, which was recommended when I went to college. I used to use it a lot but haven't felt the need for a while. Anyway, your book by him is likely to be good.

I also have The Complete Plain Words by Ernest Gowers and Fowlers Modern English Usage.

Don't be fooled by the word Modern. All these books were written many years ago, but are still in print and useful.
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Re: Best Grammar sources (British English)

Post by GyZ »

Celeste Stewart recommended The Elements of Style by William Strunk and E.B. White. I am grateful for this recommendation, as the book already vaporized a prior resident demon in the vicinity of my fragile concept of legit English grammar, though I'm at the very first page. The book = definite delicacy.
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Re: Best Grammar sources (British English)

Post by BerryMac »

I second the motion by GyZ re The Elements of Style. I picked it up last week and it's very good. Small but information-dense.
