review time

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review time

Post by withie »

Hi there, I've read a few Q & A's and am wondering going by these if the review time for my article is normal. I submitted it ten days ago, I have submitted another since but not heard re either of them. Obviously I suppose it depends how busy the people there are but thought this a long time, has anyone else had this? Thank you :?
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Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:21 pm

Re: review time

Post by AmyT »

There's no official rule about when it will be reviewed by. I do know, however, that articles submitted to private/public requests are reviewed much faster than regular articles. Be patient... :) Remember, it was the 4th of July weekend and all... (or does Ed live in Canada?)

Know it's hard to wait -- I have an important article in the queue for the last 3-4 days and even that short time is starting to make me anxious. :)


Ps: Check this out! Just saw this .... good news for you and all of us... ... 868#p56868
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Re: review time

Post by withie »

Thanks so much for that AmyT, well in between sending that post and reading your reply I received an e mail, unfortunately rejected again, that was the second time for that article so perhaps something else this time. Oh well hey ho! :(
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Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:21 pm

Re: review time

Post by AmyT »

Hey, withe!

Sorry your article got rejected but don't feel too bad. I just got one rejected this morning (thankfully, easy fix). If you like (and if the article isn't too long), I would be happy to review it for you. You can contact me by looking me up on the author profile -- Amy Tanaka. Just a warning though -- my comments will be mainly constructive criticism so don't be turned off.

Keep trying....

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Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:58 am

Re: review time

Post by withie »

Ooh thank you that would be great, how kind and yes I can take criticism, I need to if I want to get it right. Well I bit the bullet yesterday and submited it again, so if it comes back this time please expect it to wing it's way over to you

Thank you again
Posts: 60
Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:21 pm

Re: review time

Post by AmyT »

Hey Withie!

Glad to help... everyone has been great to me here so it's time for me to starting giving back. :)

Not to scare you, but CC does have a 3-strike rule (not always hard and fast but it is a general rule) so you may want to remove your article from the review process and let someone review it before submitting it again. If you've already really proofread it and everything, that's fine. I'm just a bit worried for you.

Again, feel free to contact me or other writers -- most people here are very friendly and helpful. :)

Best wishes,
