Can I open full article text for review?

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Can I open full article text for review?

Post by jessiech12 »

I am new and still trying to figure things out. I had submitted an article to a requester and got this reply back :

"Can you please open full article text for review? I need it to take decision and give some comments if any."

How do I do this?

Thanks for your help,

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Re: Can I open full article text for review?

Post by jak »

Go to My Content link on left of main screen when you are logged in. From the list that comes up, find the article in question and click Edit. Copy your whole article and paste it over what you have in the Content Details section. Then scroll down and click Save Changes.

Some authors always paste the complete article here. Others prefer to post just a portion of it as they are fearful of article theft. But support has made it impossible to highlight and copy the showcased articles. (Of course, some determined thieves ocassionally manage to get around that). I always post the whole article when I am writing for a request, then edit some of it out if it is not selected and goes public.

Bets wishes. Hope you get your sale.