New Author & Review Question

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New Author & Review Question

Post by ProlificScribe »

Hi Everyone,

I'm a new author and I recently submitted my first article for review. I have a few questions about submission guidelines. I hope this is the correct place to post them.

I recently submitted an article for review. Yesterday, I received the review decision and it was rejected because my summary mentioned it was part one of three. Although the article is part of a series, each article is also stand alone and that fact was mentioned in my summary. This is the review I received.

==== Editorial Information for Your Article: ====

Articles must be able to stand alone and may not reference other articles, published or unpublished, by the author. We cannot accept series of articles.

==== End Editorial Information for Your Article ====

My questions are these:

-Does this mean my article was grammatically correct and punctuated properly? (I was actually most worried about this when I submitted it, but no necessary changes to the piece were noted in the editorial information)

-Was the article read or was my submission rejected at the summary level?

-Is there a more in-depth submission guideline that states we cannot mention the article is part of a series?

I just don't want to make another mistake that can delay my submissions being approved and I want to get a feel for what the editors are looking for.

Also, I believe CC is a great opportunity for me and I'd hate to end up having my account suspended for mistakes such as this.

Thanks in advance.

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Location: Hollywood Hills, California

Re: New Author & Review Question

Post by ProlificScribe »

Well, my article was just approved, so I believe my initial rejection was a result of mentioning that it was part of a series in the summary.

I also found a really helfpul extended submission guideline for writers while poking around on some of the other topics at the forum, and it does mention no references to other articles.

I definitely won't be making that mistake again.

Happy writing everyone!

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Re: New Author & Review Question

Post by Antonia »

Glad to hear your article was accepted, Tara!

My understanding is that when Ed or the review team come across an error, they stop reading and send out the rejection. They don't keep reading to look for further errors. So it's always a good idea to proofread a re-submission thoroughly to avoid a second rejection.
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Re: New Author & Review Question

Post by ProlificScribe »

Thanks Antonia..

Yeah, I had a feeling that once the editors happened upon an error, that most likely it would be rejected at that point. I did take the opportunity when I resubmitted it to clarify a dubious sentence and correct a wayward comma.

I do have another questions if you could be so kind as to answer... my article sold for usage, this means that it goes automatically into its respective category, right?

Thanks again..

Have a good week.'

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Re: New Author & Review Question

Post by jadedragon »

Once an article sells for usage it stays in the catalog for other buyers to buy. Only the usage option is shown though and that happens automatically.
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Location: Hollywood Hills, California

Re: New Author & Review Question

Post by ProlificScribe »

thanks Jade!