Could not find any spelling errors

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Could not find any spelling errors

Post by happywriter »


My article title is: "Six Simple Strategies to Lose Weight Easily and Permanently".

I have received the following message:

"We have reviewed your content, "Six Simple Strategies to Lose Weight Easily and Permanently." Unfortunately, this article requires revision before we can accept it.

==== Editorial Information for Your Article: ====

This article contains spelling errors or typos. Spell checking programs do not find all spelling errors and typos in a document, so it is important that you review your article carefully for errors."

I checked the article carefully and couldn't find any spelling errors or typos.

Could it be the websites that I have enclosed in brackets?

"According to a World Health Organization report, one billion adults worldwide are overweight and three million adults are considered to be clinically obese ("


You can use this online water requirement calculator ( to get a more accurate estimate.

Thanks for your attention.

puzzled happywriter
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Re: Could not find any spelling errors

Post by Evelyn »

Hey, Happy Writer! You've encountered on of the most difficult errors for writers to spot. You may have left a letter of the end of the a word, making a perfectly good word but the wrong one, or misused a verb tents, or written their/they're wrong, or your/you're, its just hard to know.

See what I mean with the little things?

Let the article sit for a day or two. Reread the document from end to beginning. Read it out loud. Ask a good friend to read it, preferably out loud to you. If you haven't spotted the pesky error by then, print it out and read it line by line. If all your editing comes to naught, send the article to me via private message and I'll look it over. Fresh eyes can spot weird little things. (I'm Evelyn Fielding, by the way. Just search for me in the Authors section.)

We all hate those spelling/typo errors, and as we get better at reading our work through we spot many of them. The editors here are extremely good--they see things we miss all the time.

Good luck!
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Joined: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:15 am

Re: Could not find any spelling errors

Post by happywriter »

Thanks Evelyn,

I'll follow your excellent advice.
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Re: Could not find any spelling errors

Post by jak »

I recently read advice to read an article backwards to spot typos. Rather labour intensive, but it might work.
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Re: Could not find any spelling errors

Post by jadedragon »

Evelyn wrote:Hey, Happy Writer! You've encountered on of the most difficult errors for writers to spot. You may have left a letter of the end of the a word, making a perfectly good word but the wrong one, or misused a verb tents, or written their/they're wrong, or your/you're, its just hard to know.

See what I mean with the little things?
Did you spot the "misspellings" in this paragraph? I think they are intentional. "on" should be "one" and "of" should be "off" Also "tents" is wrong and "its" should be "it's". Very good example :D
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Re: Could not find any spelling errors

Post by Evelyn »

jade, I threw in one more error that drives me nuts when I do it: "a letter of[f] the end of the [a] word".

Fun with editing! Now, back to work everyone; enough milling around the water cooler.