Reasons for large number of rejections

Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

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Reasons for large number of rejections

Post by GalaxyHorse »

I have realised why so many articles are being Rejected,it is due to the disposition of the site 'owners'
and the Editorial perspective they hold. They do not want smart, original writing, they want dusty, pedantic, lustreless fact-ridden accounts of the kind that one encounters in high-school text books. Even if a customer requests a topic screaming out for a juicy philosophical analysis of social trends, or
an expansive lively discussion of human nature-no-matter! These guys want to promote the kind of language that kills interest,
that in no way gets anyone to think, other than in a prosaic factual way.I do not believe the site is run intelligently, or by particularly educated and imaginative folks-they are a bit like the young Republicans society, the ones that aspire to join the Country club and climb the social ladder.
Guys, if you want to write about interesting topics, and show what you have, submit articles to magazines, they actually pay you well
for your Talents, unlike this mob who take 35% of your fee. The majority of customers on here are rich, stupid college students who
want a hand with an assignment; or are talentless folks who have jobs they should not have and need a hand with writing
copy for their job they cannot do themselves..heh, who needs it?
Best of luck to all the writers.
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Location: Hollywood Hills, California

Re: Reasons for large number of rejections

Post by ProlificScribe »

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Reasons for large number of rejections

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Nah, doesn't hurt. Just another case of sour grapes, or shall I say Sour grapes, from someone whose articles apparently aren't a good fit for this site and hasn't been around here long enough to know what CC's really about. Don't let comments like these get to you, Pro.
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Re: Reasons for large number of rejections

Post by ProlificScribe »

I suppose I can understand someone's frustration behind having an article rejected. lol but that post is like the epitome of scathing!
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Re: Reasons for large number of rejections

Post by Evelyn »

Every once in a while my ex-husband's doppelganger wanders through this site. Sigh. Thought I'd rid myself of pretentious, condescending, irrational, illogical, better-than-God intellectuals. If UniversePegasus wants a real challenge of wits, I'll share my ex's email address...
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Reasons for large number of rejections

Post by Celeste Stewart »

I suppose it's easier to lash out at the site's owners, editors, writers, and customers than to admit that perhaps this site simply isn't the right place for the type of writing the OP wants to write.
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Re: Reasons for large number of rejections

Post by jadedragon »

The OP's post is a great example of opinion based fact-less diatribes that Constant Content buyers are not interested in. Insulting the wonderful buyers that pay top dollar for content that the OP may not be able to create is hardly an effective marketing strategy. Worse, insulting the site owners and editors who have created this fantastic marketing vehicle for freelance writers is inappropriate and unwarranted. I guess this site is not for the OP, but it remains a great site for many writers interested in writing fact based quality articles that will sell consistently.