Spelling Question

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Spelling Question

Post by juliaamos »

I'm in the middle of proofreading an article, and I can't decide which spelling is correct. For the word "make up" (as in cosmetics), I've seen it spelled "make up", "makeup", and "make-up." Which is correct? Or, if they're all technically right, which is most universally accepted?

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Re: Spelling Question

Post by aprilk10 »

I think makeup and make-up are both accepted. I don't like "make up," as that version seems to apply more to "making up" a story or "making up" with someone.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Spelling Question

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Hello. Make up is a verb; makeup is a noun or adjective. (AP Style Guide)

So: Make up (verb) your mind whether or not you want to buy expensive makeup (noun) for your new makeup (adjective) case.

Related: set up/setup (Set up your computer in a central room in your house. Use the software's setup file only after reading the directions.)
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Re: Spelling Question

Post by juliaamos »

Makeup it is! Thanks for the help =)