What does well in CC?

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What does well in CC?

Post by JasperFlynn »

I'm a new writer and I was wondering if there are any topics or subjects that sell particularly well on CC? I just want to make sure what I'm writing has some value and I don't waste my time writing a peice that will just sit there and not be purchased.

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Re: What does well in CC?

Post by ProlificScribe »

Hi Jasper..

I've noticed that health/nutrition and computer/software articles do well here. You can see what is trendng on the site by checking for recent searches performed here as well as the *recently sold content* section. These will give you an idea of what is actually being searched for, and what is actually being purchased.

As long as you're writing for CC you won't be wasting your time. By submitting an article to CC you are building your portfolio here and in general. Also, you're fine-honing your writing skills by sheer virtue of the fact your articles are undergoing rather stringent scrutiny by the editorial staff.

Besides, if your articles don't sell here, which I'm sure a decent percentage of them will, you can always sell it elsewhere for usage rights.

Good luck!

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Re: What does well in CC?

Post by JasperFlynn »

Thanks Tara that was very helpful :)
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Location: Hollywood Hills, California

Re: What does well in CC?

Post by ProlificScribe »

Not a problem.

LOL that's my first time answering a question instead of asking one!

Also, try carrying around a little notepad and a pen. Whenever an idea pops into my head, I just jot it down so in my freetime to write I'll have a lot of topics to choose from. I find that when I look at recently sold content, it's usually a lot of *everyday* type topics that are selling. For instance, recently, I was speaking to someone about dealing with the death of a loved one. I'll probably write an article about that. Not that I capitalize off of everything lol, but if you encounter something in your daily life that you or someone else could use advice on... that's a good topic to write about.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: What does well in CC?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

That's excellent advice, Tara. When I first started here, everything I did was fair game for an article. I was pregnant at the time, so articles about 3D ultrasounds, prenatal vitamins, shopping for baby gear, etc... were common back then. (My CC earnings paid for my son's crib, stroller, high chair, etc... so that was a super nice bonus).

If I was shopping for new tires for my car, I'd write an article about the different tire types available. This is a great way to use the knowledge you're gathering for personal use, and these articles are easy to write because you've experienced the topic firsthand. Plus, if the information was something you needed, someone else will need it, too!

For me, those experienced-based articles are some of the most fun to write. I still do them when I have time.
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Re: What does well in CC?

Post by ProlificScribe »

Hi Celeste...

I completely see where you're coming from. I think it's a good approach too. Like you said, it's something you already have experience with because you've done the research on a personal level. It's much easier to write about an article we have experience on.

At the end of the day, it's almost like being paid for something that you had to look into for yourself while helping someone else at the same time. Case in point, writing an article about tires when you needed to replace yours.

And it builds a portfolio.

Celeste Stewart
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Re: What does well in CC?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Plus, these are often the same things you might email your friends or blog about. So, since you'd be writing about them anyway, albeit in a slightly different voice, why not write them as articles instead? I got hooked on CC when I realized that I could profit from turning my experiences into informative articles. One of my earliest sales was a $40 300-word article about a toddler cooking activity (dipping cherries in melted chocolate). I wrote it in less than half an hour after hosting that same activity for my daughter's play group. Suddenly, I wasn't just a mom in play group, I was a $50+ per hour writer! Yep, I was hooked.
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Re: What does well in CC?

Post by ProlificScribe »

That's inspiring. Writing is a talent that people can have and not necessarily place a lot of value on it... because it's easy for us. I think figuring out a way to capitalize off of a talent, that may not come easy to others, is a gift in and withof itself. It seems as if there are a lot of different approaches to tackling CC. I've noticed it seems to pretty much involve creating your own niche and going from there.

As always, great advice Celeste..
