Word Alternatives

A place where authors can exchange ideas or thoughts. Talk about what categories are hot and which ones are not.

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Celeste Stewart
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Re: Word Alternatives

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Yep, tell CC and they can intervene. If someone bought a usage license, the article can't be changed. -- But first, did the Word document have your byline in it? Or were you relying on the CC author name field? Remember, the customer gets the Word document. If so, contact CC and they'll kindly let the customer know to either add the byline or upgrade the license.
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Re: Word Alternatives

Post by jak »

Definitely, unless full rights were bought.
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Re: Word Alternatives

Post by jadedragon »

jak wrote:Definitely, unless full rights were bought.
If they bought full rights they can remove your name and even put their own on it.
Elizabeth Ann West
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Re: Word Alternatives

Post by Elizabeth Ann West »

I'd make it a series Sara, where each article can stand alone. This is better for web publishers, who can link to each article/showcase advertising on each one. So off the top of my head:
* Language barriers
* Legal barriers (just had a friend go through hell trying ot marry her fiance from Scotland of all places)
* Religious barriers
* Family barriers
* Long Distance Relationship
* Financial concerns: like money to travel back and forth, currency issues, employment opportunities etc.
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Re: Word Alternatives

Post by SarahS »

Hi Elizabeth
It's very kind of you to suggest those topics. I had thought of maybe doing one or two but maybe I should do a few more. I'm doing it from personal experience so that is why I thought it might be good idea!
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Re: Word Alternatives

Post by jadedragon »

Working from personal experience is great for cutting down research time. Just remember not to use 1st person POV. I'm in a cross cultural marriage too and my wife speaks other languages so it is an interesting topic too me as well.
Elizabeth Ann West
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Re: Word Alternatives

Post by Elizabeth Ann West »

Personal experience always makes the best articles.***

***As long as you aren't using the personal pronoun "I." Absolutely back up your personal experiences with factual information, but when you write about something you are passionate/experienced about, it shows. These articles are enjoyable to readers, they can hear the voice of experience behind it.

I think the article series is very interesting, especially if you could tie it into online dating. Maybe a piece on how online dating is leading to relationships across borders...
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Re: Word Alternatives

Post by SarahS »


I'm back again. I still haven't sorted out this article yet!! I keep changing my mind. But now I think I'm getting there. So, how about this for a title?
Cross-cultural dating: overcoming the first few hurdles

Also, in the article I talk about 2 main problems but it sort of looks like three and I need help with the & and and! So I want to talk about language and culture & religion where culture and religion are the same sort of problem if you know what I mean. Do I say 'language and culture & religion' or 'language and culture/religion' or something else?

Any help would be great!!

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Re: Word Alternatives

Post by Antonia »

Hmmm....I think of religion as a part of culture, so it would make sense to group them together under one category. On the other hand, 3 is better than 2 in terms of structuring an article. But it sounds like you've already made the decision to group them and are asking how to introduce the topics in a single sentence without the "ands" becoming confusing....which is a sticky little problem, and I know exactly what you mean! I'm leaning towards culture/religion but not sure why. Perhaps there is a standard usage....hopefully someone else will enlighten us :)

I like how you've sectioned the title into two parts, but I think it's a bit vague. Why not call it "Cross-Cultural Dating: Overcoming Language and Culture Differences" or something like that. The more specific you are, the more it will appeal to prospective buyers.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Word Alternatives

Post by Celeste Stewart »

I don't know that culture and religion necessarily go together. Sure if the couple come from different cultures and religions. However, you can have an American Catholic dating a Filipino Catholic. Same religion, totally different culture. You could also have two people from the same culture practicing totally different religions such as an American Buddist dating an American Baptist. I'd break it into three topics if it were me.
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Re: Word Alternatives

Post by SarahS »

Hi Celeste
I know what you are saying but the idea is the same in a way. It could either be the culture or the religion that causes conflicts. It would be hard to differentiate between the two. I'm actually finding it hard to explain what I mean (not a good trait for a writer!). But for example, one problem that people find could be that men from one culture/religion may object to what a woman can or can't do in public. Whether it is a religious issue or a culture issue the problem is still the same. The thing is I'm not writing a list of differences, I'm just writing about how you an get over them, so for the purpose of the article any cultural or religious differences are the same problem. Does that make any sense?

PS Antonia, I think you're right. I guess the reason I was vague was beause I might do some more articles and the idea is that language and cultural differences are usually the biggies that occur right at the start. For example, how do we even communicate?
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Re: Word Alternatives

Post by BarryDavidson »

As to the original question, I'd use the word foreigner in my article. I'm not that politically correct.

Culture is almost never religion, but religion can be colored by the culture.

Language is something different in this day and age. Fifty years ago, a man or woman would pursue the foreigner anyway. Eventually the one doing the pursuing would learn a few phrases. In this day and age 'PC' crowds make a big deal of it. I can imagine one of them saying, "Oh no, he's polluting her culture by trying to get her to be seen in public with him!"

As I said above, I'm not very 'PC'... My advice is to write what you want to write, and to hell with the rest (as long as it conforms to the submission guidelines). If it's for a request, you have to go by what the customer wants. Since it's for you, go for it. Sure you have to think about how sell-able the piece is, but you never know what'll sell for sure beyond a few subjects. I've even sold a few of my political rants here which I thought highly unlikely, but submitted anyway just in case.