questions from a new guy

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Posts: 54
Joined: Mon Sep 06, 2010 4:26 am

questions from a new guy

Post by cosmo »

Hi, I recently joined CC and have a few questions, but before that, I'd like to say that after browsing around the place, I find this website to be very professional and friendly. In particular, the forum seems to be filled with people genuinely willing to help, some even volunteering to check the grammar of articles that have been rejected in order to help the writer get a leg up. I've joined a few get-paid-to-write websites in the past but I'm hoping I can achieve the writing standard here so I can stay in this site for good. :D

Anyway, I have a few questions I'd like to ask:

1. Is the review process on a first-submit first-review basis, or do they review the works of established writers first before reviewing the articles of the new members?

2. When I submitted my article, there's an option there to select which public request you would like to submit the article to. I selected the one that I wanted and submitted my article. Afterwards, I decided to click the "edit" button just out of curiosity. The editing page seems to be the same as the "submit article" page except that the option to select "public request" and select the specific request you wanted is no longer there! Is this normal? I hate to think that when I clicked "edit" I accidentally placed my article as a standard article and not as a response to a public request.

3. Does your article need to have perfect grammar? Not even a single misplaced comma allowed? I've written two articles now and both are still under review. I'm hesitant of submitting my third before I get the chance to gauge whether my first two were acceptable or not. It's nearing the third day now and the suspense is killing me! :shock:

4. How many editors are there in total? I read that the the moderator Ed used to be the only guy (assuming Ed is a he) checking hundreds of works and that he recently he hired some new editors. I don't know how they can stand editing so many articles, though. If it were me my head would have long since exploded!

5. In the public requests, how can we tell whether the customer has already found what he wanted? I know that some pull out the request from the market but is it possible that a few simply forgot to remove the request and it's still available even though they no longer need it?

Sorry for the multitude of queries, and thanks for any responses I get!
Posts: 78
Joined: Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:30 pm

Re: questions from a new guy

Post by MelissaNott »

Hi Cosmo,
Welcome to CC! I'm pretty new here myself and don't have answers to most of your questions. I can tell you that, like you, I had a lot of questions when I first began. You can learn a lot just by reading these forums. If you browse around, you will find that Ed occasionally posts "advice" pieces, which can be regarded as little nuggets of gold, since he's the one you have to impress first.

Regarding your last question, I believe that buyers usually take their request off the list once they've made a purchase. My first sale is still listed in the public requests, though, and I'm not sure why . . . unless this buyer is looking for more than one article about paper routes.

Enjoy the site and have fun writing! Best wishes to you!
Celeste Stewart
Posts: 3528
Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:28 pm
Location: California

Re: questions from a new guy

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Hello and welcome,
1. Is the review process on a first-submit first-review basis, or do they review the works of established writers first before reviewing the articles of the new members?
Usually its in the order submitted. The exception to this is when the request is a private or public request. These are reviewed much faster as customers are anxiously waiting to buy.
2. The editing page seems to be the same as the "submit article" page except that the option to select "public request" and select the specific request you wanted is no longer there! Is this normal? I hate to think that when I clicked "edit" I accidentally placed my article as a standard article and not as a response to a public request.
The article is still assigned to the given request.
3. Does your article need to have perfect grammar? Not even a single misplaced comma allowed?
If the editors notice anything out of order, yes, the article will be kicked back to you. Some minor issues such as when there are multiple ways to interpret the rule (like a comma added for emphasis but not really needed) may be left alone so long as clarity isn't affected.
4. How many editors are there in total?
I don't know.
5. In the public requests, how can we tell whether the customer has already found what he wanted? I know that some pull out the request from the market but is it possible that a few simply forgot to remove the request and it's still available even though they no longer need it?
You can't tell for sure. Some never bother to come back and remove the request which is why CC added the expiration date.