Rejections - how many?

Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 20
Joined: Tue May 25, 2010 2:24 am

Rejections - how many?

Post by SarahS »


I know there is the 3-strike rule but I've also heard people say they give newbies leeway. So my question is this, my first 2 articles have come back needed revisions. If I send in another and that also needs revision does that mean I've used up all my chances? Someone else mentioned they'd be happy to go a week without getting one returned so I'm a bit confused with all this. Are revisions normal?

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Rejections - how many?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

I believe that it depends on the nature and extent of the rejections. The editorial team understands that newbies may have minor issues at first such as submitting articles in the wrong font or not spacing their paragraphs properly. Those aren't going to be permanent black marks on the writer's record. The occasional typo or pronoun issue probably won't either. On the other hand, major grammar, punctuation, spelling, organization, or clarity errors will need to be addressed promptly. Some writers aren't even given three chances because their initial submissions show a lack of understanding of basic English writing conventions.

So, if your articles get kicked back for something minor, correct the issue, make a mental note, and keep writing and submitting. If your articles get kicked back for something major, take some time to fully explore that issue and learn how to avoid that problem in the future before you submit another article.

As far as numbers of rejection notices, sure, some writers have had more than three and they are still actively submitting articles here. Why? Because the rule is subjective. I've probably had about ten in my time here. But, as a percentage of the total number submitted, that's nothing. All have been legitimate, but none have been for major reasons where my account was at risk.