Hello to everyone

New writer to CC, introduce yourself here!

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Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:07 pm

Hello to everyone

Post by rosemalee »

Hi Authors, It is nice to 'meet you all' and I look forward to gleaning from your knowledge and expertise. I'm happy I found this site however I'm nowhere near the level of writing you all are. I've always known that I wanted to be a writer but never knew where or how to begin. When I realized that the key is to begin small, very small, I started writing on mturk. That's short for Amazon Mechanical Turk. The wages are very modest however, the main difference between mturk and here, from what I've learned so far, is that when I accept a writing task on mturk it is mine and mine alone. I've written in the range of 100 word articles to 300 word articles. From that platform I now know why I love to write. Learning. I love to learn new things and writing on mturk has given me the opportunity to research subjects I wouldn't normally explore. In the meantime, I'll read as many of the forum topics here as I can to familiarize myself with the process. And it may take me awhile to be brave enough to submit an article but I will give it go. I work full time as a sales assistant at a roofing company so this will be my 'spare time hobby'. Of course I'll still use mturk to hone my writing skills and get immediate gratification and pay for my efforts. Kind regards, rose.
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Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:42 pm
Location: UK

Re: Hello to everyone

Post by jak »

Hi Rose and welcome. You'll certainly do much better here than with mturk. Just make sure you are familiar with all the guidelines before you submit. Then you just have to bite the bullet with your first submission, having made it as perfect as you can. There's nothing to lose by making one submirrion to see how you get on. And there's plenty of help at hand in these forums. Good luck.
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:07 pm

Re: Hello to everyone

Post by rosemalee »

Hi Jak, Thanks for the welcome and the encouragement. I'll find a topic I feel comfortable with and then submit an article as close to the guidelines as I can get. I don't expect submission acceptance right away but I won't let rejection stop me. It's a learning process! Again, thanks!