References not allowed.....?

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References not allowed.....?

Post by FivetoNine »

I just got a rejection because I provided links to information that I referenced. I'm sure this has been discussed here before but the search engine here is a little unwieldy so I hope no one minds if I bring this up again. (Here's hoping I can find this thread when I come back here later! :-)

I think adding references provides credibility and if the links back up the article, more to the good. Apparently it doesn't work that way here so, can someone advise me -- should I delete the entire reference section (thus making myself appear absolutely brilliant) or should I just leave the ref info but delete the hot links?

What say you, please?

Posts: 58
Joined: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:15 pm

Re: References not allowed.....?

Post by LindaM »

Hi Five-to-Nine,

You probably got a rejection because your links were live which is a no no. Customers don't want text that will drive readers away from their site onto another. List your sources at the and of your article, but remember not to put a http or www in front of them. Just list for instance.

Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:14 am

Re: References not allowed.....?

Post by FivetoNine »

Sigh. Ok.
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Re: References not allowed.....?

Post by jadedragon »

Check out the extended guidelines: ... eferencing sources
Referencing Sources
We do not accept content with links or website addresses. However, if you want to reference websites, you may do so by dropping the http://www. prefix from the address and removing hyperlinks.
You may use your preferred style for referencing print sources.

From the FAQ
Submissions and Rejections
My article was rejected for containing website addresses or links. Why?
Buyers prefer articles without links because they want readers to stay on their websites. Web addresses or links can lead visitors away. Links are only permissible if the requester specifically asks for it. Make sure to add this information into the short summary so that the editor can see it.