A few questions

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A few questions

Post by WolfLeBlack »

Hello to all,

I'm brand new around here, so before I begin I'd like to say hi to everyone :D

Now, I've got an article in progress that was originally for my own site until I decided to see if I could sell it and this site seemed to be the best place to start.

So I have just two simple questions:

1: I live in the UK, while I'm confident that this won't be a problem I just wanted to check and make sure this is ok with the site?


2: Once finished the article is going to be around 1,500 words long, possibly up tp 2,00 depending. What sort of pricing range would an article of this size usually be placed for? Obviously actual quality is the big factor.

Thanks for any help provided boys and girls,

Celeste Stewart
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Re: A few questions

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Hi and welcome!
1. UK isn't a problem. CC has many UK writers. Some write in UK English, others in US English, others use both depending on the market they're targeting. Just don't write an article using a blend of both.

2. I'd price a 1500-to-2000 word article in the $175-$200 range. That said, shorter articles tend to be more popular with customers. 500 words is a good target length. That's not to say a longer article won't sell, they do, but it may take longer. Try to get a nice mix of lengths, topics, price ranges, and see what works best for you.

Good luck!
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Re: A few questions

Post by Peejay »

Hi Wolf.
I'm the UK too and find CC a great way to sell articles although I am very much a hobbyist.

I've got a few under my belt now with a variety of licence types sold. I found to get started and get some sale metrics on the board that pricing my content really competitively helped (but not giving it away!). That may not be the case for everyone, but worth considering.

Now that I'm off and running, although not producing at a rate that I'd like to be, I've started to raise some of my prices on new articles that I feel can command a higher price. Sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't. I usually post an article without 'best offer' selected for the first few weeks and then switch on the best offer option if it doesn't sell in the interim.
I do have a long list of rejected offers, some of which I look at occasionally when I want a laugh, so don't be scared to stick to your guns if you think your price is fair.