
New writer to CC, introduce yourself here!

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

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Joined: Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:29 pm
Location: Arizona


Post by Wordworks »

I've recently started here at CC, and have four articles in my portfolio with one sale. One question I have: How long do you keep an article on the site before you delete it and place it elsewhere? I'm referring of course to articles that have no sales after, say, three months. Just curious what others do in this case.
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Re: Hello

Post by nichewriter »

The only time I remember deleting a couple of articles was when I needed to use them for my exclusive use. As a rule, though, I don't delete articles. I have often sold articles that have been sitting for more than a year, so you can't really say it's over for your articles if they haven't sold after three months. Sometimes, it can take a long while for the right buyers to come along. I've read some CC authors say they post their articles somewhere else after they've sold for usage.

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Hello

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Hi and welcome!

First, before you delete and submit elsewhere - consider NOT deleting the article. By changing the rights offered to usage only, you can then use the content on other non-exclusive sites like Associated Content and the like while still potentially selling the article for usage here. If you have other markets that expect full rights, then, yes, you will need to delete the article here.

I imagine that the length between putting an article up for sale here and then determining it's time to move it elsewhere probably varies. If an article's topic is time sensitive, I might move it elsewhere within days or weeks. If not, I tend to wait it out. Back when AC paid more for articles, I knew I could make a quick ten bucks per article. It used to be worthwhile to move a batch of 10-20 articles over for a quick $100-$200. Not so much now with upfronts in the $2-$3 range.
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:29 pm
Location: Arizona

Re: Hello

Post by Wordworks »

Thank you both for your replies. I can see how leaving articles in your portfolio here offers more potential, and I would rather build on that portfolio than be swapping articles out. Thank you again for your replies.
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Joined: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:34 pm

Re: Hello

Post by aprilk10 »

Hi! So glad I found this thread! I am considering changing some of my articles to usage rights and publishing them elsewhere. I am not very familiar with AC (only one article on there currently as exclusive to AC)...would I offer non-exclusive rights to AC or could they be published as display only? Also, the ones that have actually been published elsewhere (either by the client who purchased usage rights or by me). I haven't decided yet exactly where to put them, but AC is looking like a good option.