Multiple Articles: Single Topic

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Multiple Articles: Single Topic

Post by KateL »

As a newbie I'm still getting to grips with CC, and have a question regarding the submission of multiple articles featuring a single topic. Jewellery is a speciality of mine, but I am worried that it may not be "the done thing" to submit a few articles exploring different facets of a topic if they are too closely linked. I'd like a little clarity regarding the protocol here, from those of you more familiar with the system.

For example, providing articles are uniquely written, would it be acceptable to have an article on tips for men about to purchase an engagement ring, and then a piece aimed at couples? There would be a little crossover in some information, but the articles would be different. I don't wish to be seen to be exploiting the system or plagiarising myself (as I know another writer recently posted about regarding another site, I'm sorry I can't recall who it was). There are many different approaches to fashion jewellery but in exploring them there is bound to be some crossover. Some other articles I could combine to form longer pieces, but it seems that two 600-word articles are more saleable than a single 1200 word work. They would also have a greater potential for web-based application I imagine, as many sites do not contain terribly long articles.

Thank you.
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Re: Multiple Articles: Single Topic

Post by jak »

You shouldn't have a problem with this. Others have done it , and we are encouraged to exploit the research we do as much as we can. It makes sense to use it in more than one article wherever possible. One author frequently submits several to a request with slightly different angles, and we all admire the ability to do this. As long as your 'crossover' points are worded differently, it should be ok.
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Re: Multiple Articles: Single Topic

Post by KateL »

Thanks jak. :)
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Re: Multiple Articles: Single Topic

Post by jadedragon »

You are wasting your time if you don't write more than one article from researching something.
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Re: Multiple Articles: Single Topic

Post by KateL »

Of course, but whereas some topics are diverse enough to provide many angles, others are a little more limited in scope and I wasn't really sure what CC's guidelines were on too much crossover in content (even when worded differently). I can understand why sites which pay per article wouldn't want that system exploited with multiple marginally-different works, but wasn't sure about CC's policy.

I'm not really talking about things I've had to "research" at the moment, thankfully. I'm hoping more to apply some of the knowledge and skills I've picked up working in other fields.
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Re: Multiple Articles: Single Topic

Post by JoyRCalderwood »

No problem as far as I can see. The only question is if you have a target market and audience in mind as both a buyer and a reader.

It is always good to write about something you have inside knowledge about.