request to inbox

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Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:43 pm

request to inbox

Post by cattyann »

Hi, I am new here. My question is I just received two new offers. Does everyone get those in their inbox? Its says public request.
Celeste Stewart
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Location: California

Re: request to inbox

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Hi and welcome. Yes, "public requests" go out to all writers. Feel free to ignore those that do not interest you. If one sounds interesting, you're welcome to write an article for the customer's consideration. Keep in mind that other writers will be doing the same. Though a little scary at first because of the risk that the article won't be selected by the requesting customer, articles submitted but not selected go into the general pool of articles where someone else may buy it. In my opinion, submitting to a public request is less risky than submitting without a request because there's an actual customer wanting an article right now on that topic. Good luck!
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:43 pm

Re: request to inbox

Post by cattyann »

Thank you very much for the reply! :lol: