Customer public request asked for refund

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Customer public request asked for refund

Post by ConstanceB »


I sold an article about five days ago, which I had submitted to a public request. Now, I have just received an email saying that the customer has 'insisted' on a refund, which CC has granted, and the amount of the article that had already been payed out to me has been deducted from my account! My account is now in the negative.

The reason why the customer wanted a refund is a mystery, but my article has been added to my profile, so I can sell it to another customer. The customer has 'promised' not to use my article.

While I completely accept CC has a refund policy to customers (it the law, after all), I thought these refunds weren't passed on to the author, except in cases where terms and conditions were breached. This is what I have read in other places in this forum anyway.

I'm mystified, and very disappointed!
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Re: Customer public request asked for refund

Post by Lysis »

I'd really want to know why too! Do you include the entire article when you post it? I'd contact the help desk and see if they tell you. I'd really want to know why too.
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Re: Customer public request asked for refund

Post by webscribe »

I don't know. That seems a little rich on the customer's part. . . and also on CC's. When we're talking about $30 or so, I can't believe someone would ask for a refund. If they didn't like the half of the article that they couldn't view before buying it why didn't they just cut some of it or make changes? They must have liked the part they could see before they bought it, otherwise, why buy it?

I don't know. I guess it's another reason to post the entire article. My stuff gets stolen and posted elsewhere, but that's better than an outcome like this.
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Re: Customer public request asked for refund

Post by Debbi »

This happened to me once and Support passed on the customer's remarks to me, so they may let you konw if you ask. In my case it was a quiz and I hadn't posted the whole article. The customer didn't believe the scoring made sense. This customer had bought several other quizzes from me previously. Guess I just missed the mark with that one. The amount was deducted from my account.