What happens when you want to add another word to an article

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What happens when you want to add another word to an article

Post by chrissponias »


I was wondering if an already accepted article by CC will have to be reviewed again if I’ll just add another word.

How long will it take to be re-approved in this case?

I’m telling my readers that they can find information about the article’s topic at Google.com for ex. I want to add something like “and at Yahoo.com”.

Should I? Or will this complication make my article remain pending again for a few days without real reason?
Amy W
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Re: What happens when you want to add another word to an article

Post by Amy W »

Any change you make to an article means you'll have to delete it and resubmit it - which means it will need to be reapproved. You could write a note to the Eds at the beginning of the short summary, letting them know that the article was previously approved, and you just made a small change by adding yahoo.com in paragraph four, etc, etc.

But if I were you, I'd just leave it. If the information you're adding to your article isn't absolutely necessary - and in the example you give, it isn't - just leave it as is.
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Re: What happens when you want to add another word to an article

Post by chrissponias »

Thank you!

I'm going to use this information in another article about a similar topic.

I won’t touch my already accepted articles if this means that I’ll have to wait for their acceptance again… there are websites where we can very easily edit an already accepted article while its first version remains online.

At CC everything is complicated.
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Re: What happens when you want to add another word to an article

Post by jak »

It's because the customer buys the document you upload. For obvious reasons, you can only change that before it has been approved.