Wow my article sold fast!

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Wow my article sold fast!

Post by SatuR »

5.33 pm today: article accepted on CC.
6.23 pm today: same article sold for full rights!

I guess it's because it went on the front page under "latest content added" and some buyer just came and picked it up right away. So do buyers often come and buy whatever they see on the home page under "latest"? Similar fast sales have happened for me a couple of times before but I think this was the fastest.
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Re: Wow my article sold fast!

Post by Evelyn »

Yep, scoring a spot on the home page for even a few hours is a wonderful thing. Congrats on the sale!

There are some folks who twitter (tweet?) article titles, too, so that brings in some traffic. C-C may have a twit account too... If they don't, someone smarter than me should set it up. :D

Good on ya! Keep on rolling.
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Re: Wow my article sold fast!

Post by aprilk10 »

I love it when that happens! I've had that happen on a few of my on spec articles and it is a great feeling! I don't know for certain, but I think customers can set up their accounts to receive a notification when an article is submitted that meets their needs. For example, if your article was about planting petunias and the customer had "gardening" as one of the keywords they need in an article, they will receive a notice about your article. This is one reason it is important to enter as many keywords and keyword phrases as you can think of in the keywords field of the submission form. Congrats on your quick sale! Hmm...maybe you should try writing another one on the same subject, only from a different angle... :D
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Re: Wow my article sold fast!

Post by jadedragon »

Customers can subscribe to categories too.
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Re: Wow my article sold fast!

Post by SatuR »

Thanks, I didn't know they can subscribe to categories. That's good to know.
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Re: Wow my article sold fast!

Post by Antonia »

If you want to see what customers see, you can actually sign up for a customer account as well as your author one. I did this and subscribed to several categories, and it was really helpful to see the emails that customers get. It made me take writing my short summaries a lot more seriously!

Also, I don't think it matters as much as we might think to get on the front page. I have an idea most customers know pretty much what they're looking for, and they'll either subscribe or else use the search function. They're not going to buy something just because it's new. I could be totally off-base with this impression...regardless, a huge congrats - yes, it's a great feeling to make a quickie sale like that! Here's hoping for many more :)
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Re: Wow my article sold fast!

Post by StephanieHaefner »

Congrats!! That's great!!
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Re: Wow my article sold fast!

Post by aprilk10 »

Antonia, I signed up for a customer account and subscribed to a category to see what they see. I understand what you mean about paying more attention to what is in the short description! However, I would prefer to not have to go through the process of telling the system if I am an author or client. I also used my real name. In thinking about it, I should have used a fictitious name in case I ever want to order anything to place elsewhere. Do you know if there is any way to either change the name I use as a customer or to delete the account?
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Re: Wow my article sold fast!

Post by Antonia »

I don't think there's a way to do it yourself. I know to change your author name you have to email Support, so I'd advise doing that in this case too. And I'm sure they can delete the customer account for you if you decide to do that. Just click on the "Contact" button in the blue tab at the top of the homepage to email Support.