Time To Review Article For A Requested Topic

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Joined: Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:38 pm

Time To Review Article For A Requested Topic

Post by VinnyM »

I'm sure this is a newbie question, but....

I've noted that several of the requests for content have only two to four days between the date they were submitted, and when the request closes. Since the stated norm is for the review of a new article to take 3 to 5 days, am I correct in saying that the only way to submit to those short period requests is with an article already posted to the site?


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Re: Time To Review Article For A Requested Topic

Post by aprilk10 »

Hi Vinny! Welcome to CC! It is not generally the norm for clients to place such a short time period on CC. I have noticed requests trending that way lately though. I think articles are reviewed by the editors according to their expiration dates (perhaps clients are catching on to that???). Articles for private and public requests are generally reviewed before "on spec" articles. For example, one of the requests today had a 2 day time frame on it and said that they needed it as soon as possible. I happened to be on here and saw the request before CC sent it to my regular email address. I wrote it and submitted within the hour, CC reviewed it, and the customer purchased it within a couple of hours of having posted the request. I have noticed that same customer has purchased a few other articles on the same topic a well, even though his request was only for 2 articles.

I have to admit that I was not happy to see that the client intended to "spin" the article, but it is his once he buys full rights and he can do with it as he pleases. It was simple to write and required no research. Otherwise, I probably would not have bothered with it, as essentially, he is getting 10 to 20 articles (or more) for the price of one! Aaargh! :x
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:38 pm

Re: Time To Review Article For A Requested Topic

Post by VinnyM »

Thanks April,
