Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
I have articles that have been accepted by many article submission sites.
I see errors on this site when you read for information.
I have tried multiple times to submit articles, yet every time they were rejected.
In fact, Constant Content has suspended my account.
The ridiculous part of it is that I passed the test with 4/5.
All Constant Content does is to give you a message to read this or that, which
does not tell you much of anything.
Furthermore, when they reject your article, you are never told exactly
why they are rejecting it.
What I truly find amusing is that I do articles for a company and get paid for what I submit.
What is going on here?
I see errors on this site when you read for information.
I have tried multiple times to submit articles, yet every time they were rejected.
In fact, Constant Content has suspended my account.
The ridiculous part of it is that I passed the test with 4/5.
All Constant Content does is to give you a message to read this or that, which
does not tell you much of anything.
Furthermore, when they reject your article, you are never told exactly
why they are rejecting it.
What I truly find amusing is that I do articles for a company and get paid for what I submit.
What is going on here?
CC is not an article submission site. The quality control is much higher here than you are probably used to. Sorry to hear your account was suspended.
I do not get paid by article submission sites, I earn my income as a Freelance Ghost writer for a company.
I did some searching on CC, and saw the same complaints repeatedly.
Funny thing is that there are numerous grammar, punctuation errors on CC site.
Another thing is that it is impossible to receive a submitted article, read it, reject it, send email within 2 minutes of
writer submitting it.
Besides that, CC is not purchasing the articles, those who want to buy, should be the judge, not CC.
No matter, I just started a new business selling articles. It is hilarious, the ones that
CC rejected have be sold already. LOL all the way to the bank.
Ezine is one of the toughest article submission sites, and I have not had one article rejected.
I did some searching on CC, and saw the same complaints repeatedly.
Funny thing is that there are numerous grammar, punctuation errors on CC site.
Another thing is that it is impossible to receive a submitted article, read it, reject it, send email within 2 minutes of
writer submitting it.
Besides that, CC is not purchasing the articles, those who want to buy, should be the judge, not CC.
No matter, I just started a new business selling articles. It is hilarious, the ones that
CC rejected have be sold already. LOL all the way to the bank.
Ezine is one of the toughest article submission sites, and I have not had one article rejected.
One of the reasons I sell my articles on CC is that its editorial standards are higher than anywhere else I have ever come across. (Ezine? You're joking, right?) My first 2 or 3 articles were either rejected or returned with a comment, and at first I was surprised (even upset) because I thought the problems were really small. Then I read through the guidelines and the FAQ again... and I started proof-reading my final draft not just once or twice but at least three times... and now I love CC for its strict editorial process. Sometimes rejections are about style and format, and it took me a few attempts to figure that out. I am actually grateful for the editorial process, it keeps a lot of crap out (once again... Ezine, seriously?) and I have learned stuff about grammar that I did not know before.
CC is not for everyone. Nobody forces you to sell your articles here. It works well for me, so whenever I have time, I write something for CC. It is not an article submission site and one reason buyers come here and are willing to pay very reasonable rates for articles is the high level of quality. If you don't like it, there are other places with different standards.
CC is not for everyone. Nobody forces you to sell your articles here. It works well for me, so whenever I have time, I write something for CC. It is not an article submission site and one reason buyers come here and are willing to pay very reasonable rates for articles is the high level of quality. If you don't like it, there are other places with different standards.
I'm new here--I just submitted my first article. Do they give you a reason for rejections? Or suggestions for improvement?
Yes, a reason for the rejection is always given. However, the eds will not go through and flag every minor error. The reason is likely to be something like "This article contains multiple grammar and spelling errors" or "The short summary does not comply with the regulations." CC writers are expected to identify and correct their own mistakes.
If you're unable to find the errors or you need an extra pair of eyes, feel free to ask for help on the forums. Never post your entire article, but it's fine to post an excerpt so that other writers here can help you out.
If you're unable to find the errors or you need an extra pair of eyes, feel free to ask for help on the forums. Never post your entire article, but it's fine to post an excerpt so that other writers here can help you out.
[quote="Antonia"]Yes, a reason for the rejection is always given. However, the eds will not go through and flag every minor error. The reason is likely to be something like "This article contains multiple grammar and spelling errors" or "The short summary does not comply with the regulations." CC writers are expected to identify and correct their own mistakes.
If you're unable to find the errors or you need an extra pair of eyes, feel free to ask for help on the forums. Never post your entire article, but it's fine to post an excerpt so that other writers here can help you out.[/quote
I'm new here, and I received a rejection today based on format. My article was correct, but
scrambled on submission. I am getting very frustrated. I've tried everything, and nothing has worked.
I need to know what the best software is to use. Today I read where someone said they
use Open Office and submit in .doc format. I have Open Offfice, but it does not give me that option.
In the article that was rejected I used wordpad, and "thought" I had submitted in rich text?
I have microsoft Works Word processor and it has one of the options that CC request, but.....I think I read
somewhere that you can't use a word processor? I would appreciate any help you could provide.
If you're unable to find the errors or you need an extra pair of eyes, feel free to ask for help on the forums. Never post your entire article, but it's fine to post an excerpt so that other writers here can help you out.[/quote
I'm new here, and I received a rejection today based on format. My article was correct, but
scrambled on submission. I am getting very frustrated. I've tried everything, and nothing has worked.
I need to know what the best software is to use. Today I read where someone said they
use Open Office and submit in .doc format. I have Open Offfice, but it does not give me that option.
In the article that was rejected I used wordpad, and "thought" I had submitted in rich text?
I have microsoft Works Word processor and it has one of the options that CC request, but.....I think I read
somewhere that you can't use a word processor? I would appreciate any help you could provide.
You can use any software as long as you save your file in one of the accepted formats. Open Office does allow you to save as .doc - are you using a current version? File > Save As, then in the File Types dropdown choose Microsoft Word 97/200/XP (.doc).
Thank you. I appreciate your help. 

- Posts: 10
- Joined: Wed May 11, 2011 7:45 pm
A friend of mine told me that she writes her article in MS Word then pastes it into a text doc. On your computer desktop, right click and choose New > Text Document. Copy your Word article, paste it into text doc to clean out unwanted code, upload the text doc as your CC article. You might need to make sure that there is a space between each paragraph (in your uploaded doc), so keep your Microsoft Word document open, too. Then you can see where your paragraphs start.
I'm not sure if you will always need to check the format of your uploaded txt document. I'm a newbie and I haven't figured everything out.
I'm not sure if you will always need to check the format of your uploaded txt document. I'm a newbie and I haven't figured everything out.