My article corrected

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My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

I have been dreadfully ill and couldn't get out of bed to correct my article and resubmit it, since April 3 or 4 when they reviewed it.

My question is, one of the things CC didn't like was my constant citation within the article. What I did was get rid of all the citations e_cept (I have to hook up a keyboard to this laptop) when I quoted someone, which was 2 - 3 times. The quotations were necessary I think, because it had to do with scientific studies. I want to be sure it is OK that I used ( after the quotation.

On the list of references 2 or 3 spaces below the end of my article, (I hope thata is where it goes), I believe I am supposed to take out the www for the web address part of the biblio. In other words, it is done in MLA style, but I now eliminated the www in front of any website I used.

Am I right that I can copy and paste the best parts of the article for my summary. I do not know why CC said they don't know where my summary ended and my article begins. What do they mean? Do I have a brain cramp? It's ok if you say yes. :-D

I appreciate your help so much. I cannot tell you how much it means to me that this forum e_ists. I can only hope that in the future I will be able to pass good knowledge on to someone else.

I am waiting for a response before I re-submit it.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by aprilk10 »

Hannah...I tried to answer your queston just now in the other thread where you posted. Hope it helps.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

Thanks a bunch, April...I just re-submitted it half hour ago. It took me that long. Every time I read the thing, I revised it, for crying out loud.

Usually, my writing goes so smoothly. My nerves were a bit frazzled due to the fact that it was my first submission and I wanted to make a decent impression.

I appreciate your help so much!!
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Re: My article corrected

Post by aprilk10 »

Good Luck! Hope it goes well! Let us know! :D
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

Thanks again...Will do.

April, I was thinking, are we permitted to submit the same document to another website to sell it or whatever? In other words, when I write an article here at CC, can I go ahead and submit it elsewhere, if it is something of interest on another site?

Like Te_tbroker for e_ample? I googled them to see if they were reputable (but I figured they are since you recommended them) and what people had to say about them. April I hope you know how much I appreciate you giving me pointers plus a couple of names like you did.

I'm not going to rush into trying to write for more than one place. I want to get it right, here!
Let me know what you think.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by aprilk10 »

Hannah, the only time you can use an article you have posted here somewhere else is if you only offer usage rights on it here. For example, you can't post an article for sale here offering full rights and then also post it on a revenue share site or something because it is then no longer unique. Now, if you only offer usage rights here, you can post it somewhere else with your byline. You can not however, offer usage rights here and then sell it to a ghostwriting site, such as Textbroker. TB is quite different from CC. You do not place articles up for sale and you do not get a byline. You fill orders and get paid. You can no longer use those articles in any way. If you haven't already, look at the section in the "New Authors Start Here" about the differences in the rights offered.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

Oh a little confused....Of course the usage rights make sense, but what are bylines?

My article was rejected again, this time for comma's & inproper punctuation in the friggen TITLE!!! And, CC tells me some words are still bolded. I did not bold any words!!! I hope you are up, but I doubt it. I want to re-submit tonight.

Guess what else? One of the new Article Requests is for Medical Marijuana again, but they are offering $10.00 less. Can't I submit twice?

All I did was put in the price I want, clicked will take offer below, and did nothing in regard to usage rights. When do I do that? Oh my! I feel like an ass. I am a simple paralegal....I did legal writing with tons of citations. Everything was written in stone as to the rules. With this, I am unfamiliar.

I really want this, though. I want to give it a shot. All my life I've been complimented on my writing. What do I have to loose, besides a lot of time?

I may not submit tonight so that I can read your reply. All I know is that the comma's are driving me nuts! :-D
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Re: My article corrected

Post by aprilk10 »

Hannah, A byline is simply your name under the title or at the end of the article (by Hannah...).

Chances are if CC sent back your submission for errors in the title, they stopped there. You should proof your entire article for errors before resubmitting. They don't comment on everything. I do see a couple of errors in your post...but's a post, not an article. But just as an example:

"this time for comma's & inproper punctuation in the friggen TITLE!!!" There shouldn't be an apostrophe in commas.

"What do I have to loose, besides a lot of time?" Should be "lose." (be careful with things like that since it is something a spellcheck will likely not pick up since loose is a word)

You can resubmit to the order, though you can only have a specific article submitted to one request at a time. When you submit to a request, the article is exclusive to that customer for 3 days...meaning no other customer can look at it. After those 3 days, you can submit that article to another request. I wouldn't worry too much about it though...those medical marijuana requests show up pretty often I think. I'd concentrate on just getting an article accepted by CC right now. I think you said this particular article was rather long (over 1,000)? You might want to try something small (like 400-500) to start with. For the web, 400-500 words is pretty standard. Anything over 1,000 is fairly rare for the Internet.

As far as pricing, you did this in the submission. It won't let you submit without putting in at least the usage price. All articles have to offer usage price. In the field where you entered your price, it gave 3 separate boxes. To the left of each one it reads "usage," "unique," and "full."

I'm not sure what is going on with bolding. I bold subtitles in my articles all the time. They don't show in the article exerpt and sample on here, but they are in the file that the customer receives.

Since you have not yet had an article accepted, I am not sure if you can send me a message. I think they restrict the messaging system until you have an article accepted. But, if you the authors for April S Kenyon and send me your article (and editors comments) if you want and I will try to look it over. Otherwise, could you post the editor's comments here? I am not sure what the bolding issue is. If I see their word for word comment and everything else they say, I might be able to understand.

Just a thought: Are you sure that the "bold" is not selected on your word processing program? If it is, your entire text is being bolded. You may not realize it if everything is in bold font.

Also, you probably should get that "x" key fixed...unless your article contains no x's! We use the letter x more than we realize though!
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

Thank you.....I will be right back.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

I searched under find authors, for your name. It said there is nobody with that name. Maybe, like you said it is because they have not accepted an article from me yet.

Do you think I should post my article here? I don't know how to say it, but thank you.
Here is the email they sent regarding my last submission:

Your Article Has Been Reviewed
From: "" <>
Add to Contacts
You have a new message at Constant-ContentWe have reviewed your content, ""Marijuana, a Miracle Drug?"." Unfortunately, this article requires revision before we can accept it.

==== Editorial Information for Your Article: ====

Do not enclose your title in quotation marks.

Articles for public request or general sale may not be placed in the private request category.

Article still contains issues with bold wording throughout.

Please observe rules for comma usage and apply these rules consistently.

Comma Use:

Commas and Subordinate Clauses:

PowerPoint Presentation for Comma Use:

==== End Editorial Information for Your Article ====

Please take this information into consideration for future submissions. In addition, Submission Guidelines should be followed to avoid repeated rejections:

Submission Guidelines ... elines.htm

To resubmit your article after you have made the necessary revisions, please visit the “My Content” section of your account and click on “Update” next to the rejected article.

Editors cannot always answer specific questions about your article. If you have a general question about your rejection, please visit the Article Rejection forum – be sure to include the article title in your post. In addition to the Article Rejection forum, other forums may help you get answers for other questions you may have about Constant Content.

The forums are separate from the website so you will have to register before
posting there.

Thank you
You can view / reply to this message from constant content.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

My title read, Marijuana, a Miracle Drug?

I changed it last night to:

Marijuana: A Miracle Drug?
By: Hannah Davis
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Re: My article corrected

Post by aprilk10 »

Yes, the comma doesn't work in the title. It could possibly be ok with the colon. In instances like that I use a dash though: Marijuana--Miracle Drug?

It also appears that you put it under the private request category. You can only select that category for private requests. For this, you should probably select "health" or something similar from the drop down menu.

As far as the bold, I am not sure what the problem is unless you have "bold" accidentaly checked in your word processing program.

From the editor's comments and suggestions, I am guessing there are problems throughout with commas, apostrophes, etc.

Not sure why you can't even find my profile...must have to do with you not having an accepted order yet. I searched my name and found me! :-)

You can post a SMALL part of your article here...but not the entire article. The forums are accessed by search engines. If you post your article, it will no longer be unique because the search engines will pick it up here.

If you post part of your article, post part that you have a lot of punctuation in or something that you are unsure of.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

Yes, I spent way too much time researching this topic to loose it someone.

I just changed the last two paragraphs AGAIN. How about I paste them. The paragraphs before these are about a couple of scientific studies on medical cannabis for Alzheimer's Disease, HIV/AIDS, and cancer. (Please, I just forgot when do I capitalize D in disease for Alzheimer's?)

Please be reminded that I just re-wrote these last 2 paragraphs of the article.

The consensus among the general public here in the United States appears to be either a definite yes or a resounding no for the legalization of medical cannabis. It goes without saying that there is a lack of knowledge on this issue. Most of the public information on medical cannabis comes from political campaigns assuring the public that whoever is running for office will continue to keep our children and our neighborhoods safe from the drug world. Marijuana is always referred to as the gateway drug to harder substances such as cocaine or heroin. And so, the idea of legalizing medical cannabis is put on the back burner year after year, while more people continue to take medications that are sometimes worthless. It is never given its fair chance for the truth to be told.

BTW, I know that I don't have anything bolded. Have been on pc's since 1982 or 1987 working in offices...I promise I didn't bold anything. Maybe, I will change it from Arial to Times Roman and see what happens.

I didn't choose private. I forgot to choose anything. Private request was already there and I didn't even see it. I was in a hurry to get it submitted.

Where they ask you for the title, I thought CC said to put it in quotation marks. I wrote them and said I never heard of such a thing. I did it anyway, and now they write me in that email about it.

OK, here it is:
The consensus among the general public here in the United States appears to be either a definite yes or a resounding no for the legalization of medical cannabis. It goes without saying that there is a lack of knowledge on this issue. Most of the public information on medical cannabis comes from political campaigns assuring the public that whoever is running for office will continue to keep our children and our neighborhoods safe from the drug world. Marijuana is always referred to as the gateway drug to harder substances such as cocaine or heroin. And so, the idea of legalizing medical cannabis is put on the back burner year after year, while more people continue to take medications for Alzheimer's, etc., that are sometimes worthless. It is never given its fair chance for the truth to be told. (April, in my first paragraph I also stated that marijuana is considered a gateway to harder substances. Is that OK? It's in a different conte_t).

Thankfully, the baby boomer generation, who now comprise a large segment of our society, most with first hand knowledge, and some with experience in regard to marijuana may just be the people who initiate legislation for medical cannabis. These are the people who were pro-active, especially regarding drugs, during the hippie era of the1960s. Considering the inevitability of their soon to be retirement and their own concerns about illness and death, a shift in perception towards medical cannabis and the yearning to be healthy, will most likely ignite a new appeal to Congress for its legalization. With more significant and repeated exposure of the truth about this herbal drug remedy and its successes among patients currently being treated with it and those treated in the past, our war against drugs in the near future may not have to include medical cannabis. Perhaps people will come to know the truth about the unbelievable benefits of using it in a prescription, as an excellent treatment for chronic diseases.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

Oops, I pasted in one of the paragraphs twice.

Forget the first one.....Please read the two together towards the bottom of my message. Thank you.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by aprilk10 »

Ok...this may be a bit too much of the article...not sure. If it is, I think one of the moderators will take it down. I'm going to give you a quick critique. I can't give you alot of input. I hope you don't get offended by my suggestions or critiques.

Oh...concerning Alzheimer' don't need to capitalize the word "disease" at all.

The consensus among the general public here (the word “here” is not really necessary) in the United States appears to be either a definite yes or a resounding no for the legalization of medical cannabis. It goes without saying that there is a lack of knowledge on this issue. Most of the public information on medical cannabis comes from political campaigns assuring the public that whoever is running for office will continue to keep our children and our neighborhoods safe from the drug world. Marijuana is always (To say “always” is seen as a generalization…maybe “often” or “commonly”) referred to as the gateway drug to harder substances (need a comma before “such as”) such as cocaine or heroin. And so, (You don’t need”And so”…I personally am not a fan of starting sentences with and or but. Evenif you start with so, you don’t need the comma) the idea of legalizing medical cannabis is put on the back burner year after year (no comma needed here) while more people continue to take medications for Alzheimer's, etc., that are sometimes worthless(This sentence seems somewhat awkward…maybe something like “…while people with Alzheimer’s and other diseases continue to take medications that may be of little benefit”). It is never given its fair chance for the truth to be told.(This sentence doesn’t work. I think it is a subject/verb agreement problem. Maybe…”The benefits of medical marijuana are rarely given a fair chance.”) (April, in my first paragraph I also stated that marijuana is considered a gateway to harder substances. Is that OK? It's in a different conte_t). (It is ok if you use the example I gave above instead of saying “always.”)

Thankfully, the baby boomer generation, who now comprise a large segment of our society, most with first hand knowledge, and some with experience in regard to marijuana may just be the people who initiate legislation for medical cannabis.
(Too many commas used here. Also, “baby boomer generation” is singular. It is made up of many people, but it is one generation…thus “comprises” should be used. Sentence needs to be restructured into a couple of sentences) Possible changes:

The baby-boom (not boomer...the people are baby boomers, but the generation is baby-boom) generation, which comprises a large segment of society (you could leave this clause out entirely), may just be the group to initiate legislation for medical cannabis with first-hand knowledge and experience of the drug.


Members of the baby boom generation may just be the ones to initiate legislation for medical cannabis…

These are the people who were pro-active, especially regarding drugs, during the hippie era of the1960s. Considering the inevitability of their soon to be retirement and their own concerns about illness and death, a shift in perception towards medical cannabis and the yearning to be healthy, (no comma necessary here) will most likely ignite a new appeal to Congress for its legalization. With more significant and repeated exposure of the truth about this herbal drug remedy and its successes among patients currently being treated with it and those treated in the past, our war against drugs in the near future may not have to include medical cannabis. Perhaps people will come to know the truth about the unbelievable benefits of using it in a prescription, as an excellent treatment for chronic disease.

Sorry...that is the best I can do right now. In general, you tend to use very long sentences and excessive commas. As a paralegal, that may be a common practice (I don't know much about that field...only that it is related to law). However, it makes for alot of confusion and run-on sentences. Web writing needs to be concise and to the point. The long sentences also lead to subject/verb disagreement and the reader gets lost. You also make a lot of generalizations..."always" and "never." In general, this should be avoided. Is medical marijuana really NEVER given a chance? Is it ALWAYS seen as a gateway to harder drugs?

I'm going to make a suggestion that I hope you don't take offense to. CC will permanently suspend the account of a writer if they continually submit with mistakes. Type "3 strikes and you're out" in the search box at the top of this page to read about it in the forums. I personally would suggest that you put this aside for now and try one of the other sites. CC is really not a place for beginning content writers. Textbroker is a great place for those new to the world of content writing. It is where I first started with content writing. Even though I have a degree in English, I am glad I didn't start at CC. I wrote there for almost a year before I discovered CC. There is a big difference in content writing and print writing. If you decide to submit here again, try breaking your sentences into 2 or 3 instead of one long sentence. Also, take a look at some of the other articles on here to see how they read.

Sorry, I've gotta get some work done today! Good luck with whatever direction you decide to take!