My article corrected

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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

I had the idea you would mention the long sentences...They are too long.

No offense taken at all. The thing is, lets say I submit it and it sticks. I can select easier topics to write on from then on. If they suspend me, can I come back? If I don't submit here, won't they wonder what happened to me? Do I write them a courtesy letter? Why not only submit short articles on easy stuff, and go to the other place and practice there.

Another thing, if I took the time to edit those paragraphs, I sincerely would have made similar changes, maybe they will accept it. The article itself isn't that bad. From what I have read in forums, some people can't even spell.
Here is the thing, I have spent so much time on this, that I am getting lazy with it...What I mean is that it is just taking too long.

What do I have to lose (I like loose better - will definitely look this one up) if I really try and clean up the article nice and submit it? I'm not sure I will not be crazy angry if I do not submit it and have wasted weeks on it for absolutely NOTHING! What a tragedy that would be.

God bless you and give you all that you want for yourself. I thank you again.
Legal writing is somewhat wordy. The funny thing is, I have always been precise. To think that I actually became a wordy person is upsetting to me. Really! I like getting to the point.

Bye for now. If you can reply easily, please do so. I can promise you from what I know from life, you didn't waste a minute of your time and it will come back to you in some sort of package. :-D

p.s. The reason I added that the baby I don't know how to use the term LOL...are a large segment of our population is because it is significant in making things happen. Also, some people are not aware of that.
I really didn't realize one thing in particular, and that is my generalizations. I don't like that..Thank you.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by aprilk10 »

Hannah: "Loose" is like a loose button on your coat or to "let loose" of something. "Lose" is to lose something! If you submit it and they accept it...great! The thing is...when I say permanently suspend...I mean permanent...there is no coming back. That is why I suggest putting it aside. You could try a simpler subject. However, if that one is also returned a couple of times...

A lot of writers sign up here, find they need more practice, and come back later. Others end up getting overly eager and submit until the editors finally delete their account. Once you have had a few articles accepted, you are no longer on thin ice. I still get an occasional revision myself. Typos and other mistakes slip through on occasion. Also, postings in forums are quite different than articles. I don't typically edit my posts or look for misspelled words in a post. We all get them. There is no need to write them any kind of letter if you decide not to submit here for awhile. There are over 30,000 writers with accounts here. As far as ACTIVE writers...I think far fewer! :-) I certainly don't want to discourage you. I just think maybe you are not quite ready for CC yet. They have much stricter guidelines than most writing sites and expect their writers to submit error free material.

If you do venture over to TB, the pay admittedly is small for the levels 2-4, but it is great to start out and get a feel for content writing. I have also been fairly active in the new author forums over there. I really need to break the "forum addiction" and start getting work done instead. I am known by my initials there!

If you decide to submit here again, let me know how it goes! I hope you prove me wrong and get it accepted! :-)
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Re: My article corrected

Post by aprilk10 »

I know what you are saying about the baby boomers. You need to break those ideas up into two or three sentences though instead of one. I just didn't reword it all in the example.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

I posted a reply hours ago. I don't know what happened to it.
Thankfully, I saved it.

Hi April,
I had the feeling you would mention the long sentences...They are too long.

No offense taken at all. The thing is, lets say I submit it and it sticks. I can select easier topics to write on from then on. If they suspend me, can I come back? If I don't submit here, won't they wonder what happened to me? Do I write them a courtesy letter? Why not only submit short articles on easy stuff, and go to the other place and practice there.

Another thing, if I took the time to edit those paragraphs, I sincerely would have made similar changes, maybe they will accept it. The article itself isn't that bad. From what I have read in forums, some people can't even spell.
Here is the thing, I have spent so much time on this, that I am getting lazy with it...What I mean is that it is just taking too long.

What do I have to lose (I like loose better - will definitely look this one up) if I really try and clean up the article nice and submit it? I'm not sure I will not be crazy angry if I do not submit it and have wasted weeks on it for absolutely NOTHING! What a tragedy that would be.

Legal writing is somewhat wordy. The funny thing is, I have always been precise. To think that I actually wrote with too many words is upsetting to me. I won't even read something if it goes on and on and on. Really! I like getting to the point. The article itself though is NOT wordy. I think it's quite good.

Bye for now. If you can reply easily, just to answer the question about returning to CC if, God forbid, I should get suspended. I can promise you from what I know about life, you didn't waste a minute of your time helping me, and it will come back to you in some sort of package. God bless you and give you all that you want for yourself.

p.s. The reason I added that the baby I don't know how to use the term LOL...are a large segment of our population is because it is significant in making things happen. Also, some people are not aware of that.
I really didn't realize one thing in particular, and that is my generalizations. I don't like that..Thank you.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by aprilk10 »

It posted earlier...and I replied! :-)

(It was on page 2)
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

Hi April,
I do have to differ with you in regard to the baby boomer generation. I was wondering if I should have used comprises, and I have a way of googling things to find out if it is correct, but baby boom? That word refers to the boom in babies.

Nevertheless, I have been thinking and the punctuation problems are with the longer sentences which a few. The whole article contains maybe three. I don't think anyone wouldn't have trouble trying to punctuate a sentence with subject - verb confusion.

Thanks again for everything. Now, I am going to research the word loose. I bet I am correct.
Bye for now,
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

When I write quick notes, I apologize but there are times I don't proof read. My last message and some more had typos.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by aprilk10 »

Ok Hannah...sorry you were offended. :-) When I google "baby boomer generation," it comes up with "baby boom generation and baby boomers." Baby boomer generation can probably be used, but the other is the more widely accepted (by .gov and .org sites as opposed to blogs and .com websites) Feel free to resubmit...hope it goes through with no problems! Let me know what you find out about loose (adj) and lose(verb) Good luck!
Celeste Stewart
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Celeste Stewart »

and I have a way of googling things to find out if it is correct
Google isn't an authorative grammar or style resource; it's a search engine that can easily display pages loaded with grammar, spelling, and usage errors. Invest in a dictionary, grammar book, and style guide and you'll be able to find trustworthy answers to your questions. Style guides are good because they take into account common usage and eventually update their styles to reflect it (for example, "email" is now recommended rather than "e-mail"). Reference books should be your first source, not Google in my opinion. If the books don't address the specific issue and you want to check how a word is commonly used, use Google, but be picky about the results as April recommended. For example, look at how the Associated Press uses a given term. You can bet their editors put more thought into usage than a random blogger.

Whatever you decide on how to word "baby boom/ baby boomer generation," let's look at the subject verb agreement issue real quick:
The baby boom generation, which now comprises. . .
Baby boomers, who now comprise . . .

Think of generation like you would think of "team" - The team plays / The players play - The generation does this / The boomers do that. Similarly, the team is an entity as is the generation. Therefore, you'll use pronouns such as "it" and "which" rather than "they" and "who" when using the word generation. Hope this helps.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by WordAddict »

Hannah047 wrote:Hi April,
I do have to differ with you in regard to the baby boomer generation. I was wondering if I should have used comprises, and I have a way of googling things to find out if it is correct, but baby boom? That word refers to the boom in babies.
It also refers to the period of high birth rates following World War II from which that generation gets its nickname.

Nevertheless, I have been thinking and the punctuation problems are with the longer sentences which a few. The whole article contains maybe three.

Your revised paragraphs contain at least seven of them

I don't think anyone wouldn't have trouble trying to punctuate a sentence with subject - verb confusion.

Anyone would. Since no one can properly punctuate such a phrase, no one should use one.

Thanks again for everything. Now, I am going to research the word loose. I bet I am correct.

You aren't.

Bye for now,
Many people who aren't writers - and, unfortunately, a few who are - think that writing is a talent bestowed at birth. One day the bag-boy or manicurist or stockbroker picks up a pen and begins to write and everyone is astounded. A new Shakespeare is born.

The truth is that writing is a skill. I won't argue that Stephen King or Toni Morrison aren't incredibly talented. But that talent took practice and direction in order for it to develop. It's like any other aptitude. Certainly, Pete Rose was born with a great deal of natural talent for baseball. But if he had never played baseball and had never been coached or trained before he stepped onto a Major League diamond he would have been booed off the field.

Writing is no different. It takes lots of practice and lots of training to become a skilled writer.

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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

April, why is it that I replied twice to you and neither of the posts are visible? Do you know why?
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Re: My article corrected

Post by aprilk10 »

I see them both. Just a hunch...are you only looking at the first page? :wink: (of course, if that's the won't see his response either... :roll: )
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

One more thing, April....I NEVER go with what I "think" is correct if someone told me it isn't. Are you kidding? I would have never submitted the wrong lose because, no offense, but I double check every thing. I am a research addict.

Unfortunately, if you had not told me I was wrong, I was would have gone on using that incorrectly.

We all have our strong suits. Mine is spelling and using the correct words, so thank you so much!!
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

I only use Google as a quick reference to an easy answer until I do have an authoritative source, April. For instance, if I am not sure of the spelling of a word, I type in Google. It is quick and easy.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

I am real sorry about the typos in my messages. I sort of lied when I said I do that. They are all oversights that should not have been posted.

My nerves are frazzled, but still, there is no e_cuse!