My article corrected

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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

I was talking about the high birth rates. I don't know how you read my sentence a different way. Of course, I know it was after WWII.
Like you said, it takes practice. Maybe one day I'll be close to your you think? You don't have to reply. Just insult me some more, if it makes you feel better, whoever you are. Funny how there is no name.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

If they got rid of the article, how come you have a count of 7 long sentences?
Celeste Stewart
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Celeste here - just be selective when relying on Google for quick help with words and spelling. For example, use to look up words rather than relying on unknown sources that might pop up in Google like random blogs or articles.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by aprilk10 »

Hannah, the portion of your article that you posted is still here. It is on page 1 of this thread. I am not sure why you are not seeing all of your posts.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

Thank you Celeste. It was kind of you to help.

To word addict, I was addressing April and NOT you. Yes, I was wrong, and SO??? I am not perfect yet. God is still working on me. Perhaps one day I will be just like you...Wouldn't that be great?
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

Answer: NOT!!!!
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

There aren't 7 long sentences in that post. Whoever said I had 7 long sentences had to be referring to the article. The post isn't much longer than 7 sentences. Or Is it? It doesn't matter. I only wish that you and Celeste alone saw it.

I have read several posts. Some of them from new authors who couldn't write a sentence correctly in a message, for crying out loud. Every sentence had a mistake. And this guy comes along and presses my face in the mud because I made some stupid mistakes in my article. At least I can write a complete sentence. LOL!!!

I couldn't see the posts because like you said, I did not notice there are more pages.

April I just found some really good lessons online on punctuation and I am doing them now. I can't believe it. I am so embarrassed that I am not good with commas, etc. At the same time, I'm so glad to learn more. What's really sad, is that I did take (only) one creative writing class in college. Would you believe that all of this was not an issue? Either I luckily got it all correct, or the professor just focused on the content because I did well.

Have a good evening. Thank you SO much for helping me. I will never forget it.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by WordAddict »

Hannah047 wrote:I was talking about the high birth rates. I don't know how you read my sentence a different way. Of course, I know it was after WWII.
Like you said, it takes practice. Maybe one day I'll be close to your you think? You don't have to reply. Just insult me some more, if it makes you feel better, whoever you are. Funny how there is no name.

Nothing I said was intended as an insult. A writing error is not a reflection of your worth, or an indication of your potential as a writer. If it were I'd be worthless, because I make my fair share. Even the Hemingways and Updikes of the world make errors.

Try to think of my words as items on a buffet. Take what appeals to you and that you can use and leave the rest.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by aprilk10 »


Look at Purdue Owl and Grammar Girl online. As far as your creative writing class, creative writing is much different than technical writing. For the most part, creative writing tends to throw punctuation and sentence structure out the window. It makes allowance for "poetic license." I'm sorry to say it, but there are a lot of people who think they will have no problem writing because a creative writing teacher somewhere praised them for their word images. Don't get me wrong, I loved my creative writing classes. I even had one that was taught by an International poet. lol...He didn't care a lick about the technical side of writing! Unfortunately, once they get out there with every confidence in the world that they can do it, they find out otherwise. I majored in English in college. Let me tell you that a large portion of creative writing and poetry professors are not concerned about proper usage of words or an incorrectly placed comma. They are more interested in the "picture you paint." Not so with technical writing (which is what content writing is for the most part).

I think wordaddict was referring to the fact that there were more than 7 mistakes. I would have to go back and look, but I think it was more than 7 sentences. It was a couple of paragraphs.

I'm glad you are looking into improving your writing before resubmitting. Just put it on a back burner for now.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

Thank you for your reply wordaddict. Maybe it was my own projection on myself that made me think your only agenda was to let me know what an ignoramus I am. I am pretty hard on myself when I get careless with anything. Please don't think I don't welcome constructive criticism. It was your tone of voice. LOL!! Thanks again for writing me back.

April, I am glad you told me about the creative writing people because I've been wondering since this punctuation fiasco, why it wasn't important in class.

OK...Look above here, please. That sentence (about the creative writing people) is too long. Because of that, I cannot decide whether there should be a comma after the word people (before the word because).

The solution for me is to reduce the size of the sentences. Then, I believe I can punctuate correctly, or at least close to being totally correct. Also, I hate to bother you with questions, but, I can't put the article on the back burner for long, unless I choose a different topic with less than half the words. That is my question. I don't want to just up and leave here, April. I know I may be playing Russian roulette on one hand, but on the other, I am not that dense that I can't brush up on the punctuation, and really edit my work without rushing through it.

Can you give me some feedback?
p.s. Thanks for those pointers on punctuation websites. I believe I already have them. They were forwarded to me either from CC or from Amy. BTW, last night I watched videos on commas, apostrophes, and more. It was like a class.
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Re: My article corrected

Post by aprilk10 »

Hannah, I would correct your sentence something like this:

I am glad you mentioned the variances in creative writing. Since this punctuation fiasco, I have been wondering why issues with grammar, sentence structure, and puntuation were never addressed in my creative writing course.

Notice my second sentence is rather long. It is not so much an issue of long sentences as it is putting too many ideas and thoughts into a single sentence. Seperate your thoughts. Think of each idea as being special enough to deserve its own space! :-) Putting two or more ideas into one sentence is generally where people start running into issues with too many commas. Try to eliminate words such as "because," "and," or "since" when you can and break that sentence into two seperate sentences.

I'm not saying you should give up and leave. I'm just warning you that if you keep submitting with mistakes, you risk losing your account and will be forced to leave. If you let it rest for awhile, you may be able to come back and look at it with fresh eyes.

Anyway, I hope it all works out for you. Good luck!
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Re: My article corrected

Post by Hannah047 »

Thank you so much, April.

You act as though you've known me for years, like a cousin or sister. The fact that you are so helpful is so appreciated. I only wish I could do something for you.

I would hate for CC to suspend me permanently. If it wasn't for you, or, if it weren't for you...LOL!!!!!....I may have rushed again and submitted with mistakes, thereby losing my position here.

One thing you said that did show you didn't know me at all was when you said something to the effect, "if you want to submit it with the word loose, go ahead....." April, if I am told something is incorrect, I would never insist on being right and submitting the article. Are there really idiots like that out there? OMG! That would have been moronic of me. LOL.

I understand that you had no idea what I would do.

So, do you think I can start on a shorter article, while at the same time, giving it a shot over at the other place? They want a short summary with application. I am going to go ahead and do that today. I just really hope to be able to submit the marijuana article in the future, when I know that I know that I am comfortable with the content.

Thanks a million.

I do have to say, I am getting tired of it being all about me.