Public request deadline today

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Public request deadline today

Post by MelodyJCompere »

Hi everyone-

I had a question concerning public request deadlines.

I submitted an article for a public request several days ago and the deadline is today. I know the editors are busy, but I still haven't heard back if the article was accepted. Has this happened to anyone else? Could I be out of luck on this submission? How many days out should a writer allow for to submit an article for a public request and be assured that it will be edited/reviewed?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Public request deadline today

Post by Tianna »

If the article isn't reviewed and accepted by the time the request runs out than there is nothing you can do. :( At least you can still list it and hope it sells. It seems that the editors are taking forever to review submissions, so I can't really suggest how far in advance you need to submit an article to make sure it meets the deadline. Sorry I can't be of more help.
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Re: Public request deadline today

Post by jadedragon »

If you submit before the deadline it will still go to the requester even if reviewed after the stated deadline. At least that appears to be the way the site works.
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Re: Public request deadline today

Post by Jaye »

Hope so, Jadedragon - I've had one sitting there for 8 days now. It's very frustrating - the public request is long closed. It does seem much longer than usual - in the past my submissions to public requests have been reviewed within 24 hours ....
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Re: Public request deadline today

Post by KinsleyRoyale »

That is one reason I rarely do those. Also, someone usually gets in before me.

The person may come back and look for more on the same theme later so you may get lucky.