restaurant review questions

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Posts: 10
Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:27 am

restaurant review questions

Post by judebarton »

When writing a restaurant review is it appropriate to put the exact address and hours of operation? What if they have ten locations. Should I include a link to the restaurant's website. This is my first article and I really don't want it rejected.

Since there are guidelines stating, no first person, does that hold true for reviews as well? I can do it in second or third person, but if it is acceptable, I would like to include my personal view as well. Is this forbidden?
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Re: restaurant review questions

Post by jak »

If this is for a public request, you should put those questions to the customer. If the customer does not specify exactly what is wanted, or if it is an on-spec submission,you must comply with CC guidelines or it will be rejected. If the customer wants something that deviates, put a note about it to the editors in the short summary. As soon as it is accepted, you can edit the note out of the summary.
Posts: 10
Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:27 am

Re: restaurant review questions

Post by judebarton »

Thanks for the helpful feedback. I got it a little too late though. But no worries, the article was rejected with errors but the locations and addresses were not at issue apparantly because they were not mentioned. I believe I fixed everything, but I will soon find out.