I want to apply to the ebook pool and a few others but I just want to make sure of something. I may come off as paranoid but I just want to make sure that the sample we submit in the ebook application form is going to be confidential. I ghost-write ebooks on a regular basis and I definitely don't want my clients being hurt because I'm applying for a writers pool on C-C. I'm sure it will be confidential because that's just how great this place is but when it comes to client - writer confidentiality, I tend to be a little paranoid and want to double check.
Thanks a million and great idea with the pools especially for things like ebooks and sales copy
AnneM, I also don't want to share my clients' confidential info with anyone, so when I applied to the ebook pool and the white paper pool I stated that. I'm sure that C-C isn't interested in doing anything with our samples--I just decided not to share. It's possible that I won't be accepted to the pools because of this, but at the same time I have a body of work to serve as samples.
The best part about C-C is the human interaction that goes on. We can discuss things with each other and with our "bosses" and contribute to change. It might have been nice if C-C had formed a focus group before implementing this change to talk about our concerns before they became concerns, but we get to talk about it now and will eventually hear from C-C.
Do what you think is right for your overall career.