Update to Writer Pools
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
Re: Update to Writer Pools
Ok, I just completed my 3rd order from the writing pool. Since the limit is to take 3 at a time, and the orders are not disappearing from the page even after they have been filled, it appears that I am no longer able to accept any. Even the ones with expiration dates a month from now say "unavailable" now where they did say "claim." Sorry, but it is just a little frustrating. Is there any way these old orders can be cleared?
Re: Update to Writer Pools
If you send a message via the "contact us" facility, CC will clear the requests that have got stuck.
I had a similar problem and got the stray requests cleared that way.
I had a similar problem and got the stray requests cleared that way.
Re: Update to Writer Pools
Thanks Lynn! I did that right after posting the above message! Hopefully, they wll get all the kinks worked out eventually! 

Re: Update to Writer Pools
Ok, this is the second one now that I completed and got a notice that it would be exclusive to the client for 3 days, checked the next day, and found it back on my profile. Since I never got a "rejection" notice on either one, I am wondering if the client turned it down or if there is a glitch. On the first one, I assumed the client had decided against purchasing it, but now I am wondering. This is another instance where the purchase rating would have been useful. This one can not be purchased by anyone else, as it is specific to a company. I suppose I can use it as a sample of my writing on another site though. I sent a message to support, but since it is the weekend, I'm not sure if I will hear back before next week.
Re: Update to Writer Pools
I don't think the facility to keep them off our profiles is working. I've had a couple of writers pool articles appear as if available for general sale after 24 hours. The original client has then gone on to purchase them.
What I don't know is whether anyone else can buy it in the three day period (it might be visible but not buy-able, if that makes sense).
I don't think it necessarily means that the original client is not interested just because it has appeared on your profile.
What I don't know is whether anyone else can buy it in the three day period (it might be visible but not buy-able, if that makes sense).
I don't think it necessarily means that the original client is not interested just because it has appeared on your profile.
- Posts: 230
- Joined: Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:20 pm
Re: Update to Writer Pools
The writer pool confuses me a bit. I wish there was a FAQ page on it.
Can you guys tell me how long it takes to get approved? Also, when you apply and it asks for why you should be approved and a sample, some of the category are things I've typically used graphics to produce (sales copy and press releases.) Do I leave these out of the application and strictly include the text?
Can you guys tell me how long it takes to get approved? Also, when you apply and it asks for why you should be approved and a sample, some of the category are things I've typically used graphics to produce (sales copy and press releases.) Do I leave these out of the application and strictly include the text?
Re: Update to Writer Pools
The writer pools are quite new, so it's a learning curve for all of us.
I don't know how long acceptance takes at the moment.
I would suggest including only the text in your sample as that's all you would be selling here.
I don't know how long acceptance takes at the moment.
I would suggest including only the text in your sample as that's all you would be selling here.
Re: Update to Writer Pools
I have 10 articles approved, but the writer pools still show as unavailable and I can't even look at them...is it glitching or am I doing it wrong?
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Re: Update to Writer Pools
Are you looking under the "Writer Pool Settings" section (in the leftside pane under My Account) or under the Requested Content > Writers Pool section? To apply, you need to go to the Writer Pool Settings and then apply for the various pools. Hopefully you'll see yellow buttons encouraging you to apply.
Re: Update to Writer Pools
Nope. I see black buttons with 'Unavailable' under all of them.
Re: Update to Writer Pools
You may need to click on the topmost box that says "unavailable" to change it to "available".
That top box advises anyone looking for a writer of your current availability and changes the status of each of the pools.
If it's not that, I'm stumped.
That top box advises anyone looking for a writer of your current availability and changes the status of each of the pools.
If it's not that, I'm stumped.
Re: Update to Writer Pools
There is no topmost box that says "unavailable".
Re: Update to Writer Pools
Please email support so we can look into this for you.
Re: Update to Writer Pools
Will do. I've had numerous people tell me I should be a professional software tester, because if there is a bug anywhere in any software I use or on any web site, I WILL find it.