Who are the buyers?

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Who are the buyers?

Post by Isabelnewth »

As an inexperienced freelance writer, I would be grateful for any clue really, about the buyers of articles, and the websites they get published on. Is there any way that the requests could give more indication of the tone that's wanted, like maybe including a link to the website in question, or a similar one, to give some idea of the tone. It might help the buyers to get efforts directed more at what they are looking for as well.

The advice is always to write for a particular target audience, but I'm finding it hard to judge what the audience for requested work is meant to be, and the same applies to my free range stuff in terms of likely buyers and what they may want.......is it just a matter of experience? I have about 10 articles approved now but no sales and I am wondering if I am writing correctly, but going all wrong in tone..Have adopted American spellings now but that hasn't done it!

Ta for any help.
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Re: Who are the buyers?

Post by jellygator »

The articles I've sold have been for a real estate company website, online dating services, and for a blog.
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Re: Who are the buyers?

Post by DavidPeta28 »

Of the 4 I've been able to track there are 2 blog sites, an advice column, and a website selling articles.
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Re: Who are the buyers?

Post by Lynnemac »

It's hard to generalise about the buyers. They could be anyone from a small business setting up a website for the first time to a large company looking to keep their content fresh. There are buyers who publish on blogs and on article marketing sites. Some buyers use articles as part of their email marketing campaigns. There are also buyers who purchase articles for offline newsletters.

In all honesty, there are such a variety of buyers that one style will not fit every buyer. The key is to keep articles well-written and professional.

It can take a bit of time to gain momentum. Build your portfolio and the sales will follow.

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Re: Who are the buyers?

Post by Lor »

I've had articles sold to print publications and I know others have as well. Buyers want the unique content CC offers and they come from all media to get it.
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