Comma; Please reply

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Comma; Please reply

Post by Hannah047 »

An important question: For over a year I have been using a comma after the last word in a series. Textbroker, all of a sudden demoted me to level 3, from level 4 where I started, because of this. SHOCK!

So, tell me please. With AP style, and at CC, do you use a comma after the last word in a series?
Example: Red, white, and blue.

Thank you,
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Re: Comma; Please reply

Post by SJHillman »

Not sure what the "official" word is on it, but I've always been told that it's optional as long as you're consistent although it's becoming more popular to not use a comma there. Personally, I feel it's redundant because "and" plays the same role as the comma in separating list items.
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Re: Comma; Please reply

Post by iamyownboss »

This is one of those rules that's not standard. Some resources say that you should use a comma, while others say don't! The Purdue website, which I think is what CC recommends, says to use it. I don't use a comma in this case and my work on CC has never run into this issue. I don't write for textbroker, but they may have their own preferred guidelines. Maybe just being consistent is key.
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Re: Comma; Please reply

Post by jak »

Check out Wikipedia for Oxford comma. It lists many style guides on this. I think the most useful one is The Guardian.
Last edited by jak on Mon May 07, 2012 2:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Comma; Please reply

Post by Lysis »

I've always heard it's optional too, and I just think is looks cleaner, so I use it. Never had a problem here. I wouldn't beat yourself up over Textbroker. They cater to the lowest of the low trash websites anyway.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Comma; Please reply

Post by Celeste Stewart »

I prefer it and generally use it, but I have some clients that don't want it. Makes it tough to keep straight sometimes. I've gotten into the habit of using Word's Find feature to find any instance of ", and" and ", or" for those clients. Even when I'm paying attention, a few slip by out of habit.
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Re: Comma; Please reply

Post by jellygator »

In grade school, I learned either way was fine. Then I started getting corrected because I didn't use one there. So now that I do, I'll be annoyed if I get dinged for it again.
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Re: Comma; Please reply

Post by Hannah047 »

Thank you so much everyone for your answers. I cannot believe it, to tell you the truth. I WAS consistent. That's what kills me. I am so pissed about the whole thing. If I wasn't on a team that pays more than the level they brought me down to - 3 - I would really be stuck. It is not fair.

Sometimes life isn't fair, though.

Again, I appreciate all of your comments greatly.
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