Likely to Be Rejected for Formatting Issues?

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Likely to Be Rejected for Formatting Issues?

Post by kaldman »

I have published (and sold) a couple of articles already. I recently tried putting up a couple more but they were rejected for the following reasons:

1. I didn't use 12 point Arial font and didn't add a space between paragraphs.
2. I didn't add the space between paragraphs and the file type was wrong.

I have heard from some people that the editors try to be reasonable about banning people over three strikes, but others say the rule is strict. I just wanted to get feedback on this. I am really getting nervous right now about getting another rejection and getting banned. I will obviously correct these mistakes in the future and I believe my overall writing skills meet the site's standards since I have been approved three times before. However, that doesn't make me less worried about this.


edit:the agreement terms do say CC won't take more articles after three have been rejected. However, other writers have said that they have had more than 3 and are still aboard (one said that he/she had been rejected 30 times). I feel like I am getting mixed messages here.
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Re: Likely to Be Rejected for Formatting Issues?

Post by mnicol22 »

As mentioned elsewhere in the forum, the 3 strikes rule is used at editors' discretion. Unless you keep on submitting in the worng format, I don't think you have something to worry about. I'm pretty certain I've had more than 3 rejections, and I'm still here! The first articles I submitted were loaded with run-ons and misplaced commas, but my writing has improved a lot since then. I don't think editors want to boot writers who make an effort to correct their mistakes. Just make sure you follow the guidelines, and you should be fine.
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Re: Likely to Be Rejected for Formatting Issues?

Post by evaku »

I think that 3 strike rule is just there so that they have grounds to ban people who are consistently submitting things without bothering to improve on any aspect of their submission. I think I've had 6 or so, maybe even more because my first few were rejected one or two times each. I think they let it go because my writing is okay, I listened to their suggestions, and I got better. I think as long as you do what they say and fix up the formatting issues you should be fine.
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Re: Likely to Be Rejected for Formatting Issues?

Post by jak »

I agree with the others, but I'd like to add something. If they notice incorrect formatting, the editors probably didn't review the text, so do also take the opportunity to proof read again before resubmitting. You might pick up errors that slipped past you before.
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Re: Likely to Be Rejected for Formatting Issues?

Post by kaldman »

Thanks for the feedback guys. I am not as stressed out now and will keep trying to follow their guidelines more carefully.
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