Reattaching documents doesn't update any details, so you can't tell which doc is the newer/newest.
Changing something in the article description and saving the changes voids any comments to the editors.
Updating the file and submitting loses the changes made in the document description (such as updated word count).
And so on. Basically, it's one of those "go around the houses three times to make sure everything is right before you dare press Resubmit" situations. I didn't on my last article and ended up losing my comments and resubmitting... and since they were essential as nothing else was updated, one of the editors is going to be really peeved that I apparently sent the same thing back with no changes (which also, I suspect, puts my account at risk for "too many errors").
A submission form should take ALL updates at once and should be easy to use, rather than a test of will and stubbornness.