I just wondered before I resubmit my article if you would look at something.
Aug-17-2013 rejected "Plein Air Painting " - typo
This is not a typo. This is a style of painting that is familiar to many people. There are festivals all over the country where you can watch the artists painting in this style. So, do you want me to change it to something else, or am I alright to leave it spelled properly, even though your system believes it is a typo?
Please see this website for additional information on what Plein Air painting is: http://www.pleinairpaintersofutah.com/
And this dictionary reference from Merriam Webster:
plein air
adjective \ˌplān-ˈer; ple-ˈner\
Definition of PLEIN AIR
: of or relating to painting in outdoor daylight
: of or relating to a branch of impressionism that attempts to represent outdoor light and air
— plein·air·ism noun
— plein·air·ist noun
Origin of PLEIN AIR
French, open air
First Known Use: 1894
I will adjust the wording if you prefer that, but to anyone who knows what plein air is, they will know it isn't a typo.
Thanks for the input!
52 Cheap Dates revision request
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
Re: 52 Cheap Dates revision request
I think you can resubmit unchanged and put that info in the note to editor box.
Re: 52 Cheap Dates revision request
I've had a few tech articles kicked back for tech terms. Just put that same info in the editor reply box and they will see it.