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Post by JasmineStone »

Am I missing something with the new submission form?

I'm trying to submit some articles but there appears to be no way to paste the content into the content window. Please tell me we don't now have to type everything out again into the content window...or am I missing something - is there a setting that allows us to paste text into the window?
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Re: Submissions

Post by Judith »

Highlight and copy your content from the program you are writing in. Click your cursor in the content window (of CC submission form) and then hold down your "control" button and "v" and it should flow right in.
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Re: Submissions

Post by Lysis »

lol I had something similar happen to me. It's because (I think) intuitively you think a textbox is active when you see the cursor in it. That doesn't happen with this form, so you don't think you can do it, but as long as you click the box and do ctrl+v it's fine.
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Re: Submissions

Post by Abbamay »

Hi JasmineStone,

I have the same problem. If you right-click in the box and you don't get the option to paste coming up in the list that pops up, then right-click again but exactly at the top left edge where you'd the expect the cursor to be. It's hiding. If you get the right spot at the top edge then you'll get the option to paste. I'm not a computer expert but it works for me every time! Let us know how you go. :D

Abba May
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Re: Submissions

Post by JasmineStone »

Brilliant, thanks for the replies!

I was getting really stressed and about to throw my laptop at the wall but the Ctrl + V worked :D
Posts: 19
Joined: Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:41 pm

Re: Submissions

Post by jkcki »

I've started copying things into Notepad first, then pasting them in. Otherwise, I get weird issues that you can't see until after submission. The line breaks come out all wrong if you copy directly from Word 2010, for one.
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