I started with a pen name so I could keep content writing separate from other work I do. I randomly chose Joy Calderwood, but didn't know enough to Google the name first. Drat! Once I did I saw there is another person with that name, and what does she do? She's a writer!!! Double drat.

But I'd already published & sold articles under that name so changed it to Joy R. Calderwood to differentiate and kept writing under it.
I want to use social media to promote my articles, but it's been tricky to do that and not give away my pen name. So I've given it away, which kind of defeats some of the original purpose. I set up a Linkedin and Facebook page under the pen name but didn't do much with it.
Now I am thinking of changing the pen name. (I don't want people to think I'm that older-looking woman I've seen online or be confused with her.) But more than that, I want to use social media to promote sales. Yet I also have a life coaching practice with self-coaching writing I'm developing to sell, and I'll want to promote that separately.
1. Is there any problem to keep my existing account here under Joy R. Calderwood and then to start with a second pen name?
2. Have any of you figured out a good way to promote yourself under your pen name. I know it can get crazy having multiple identities to keep track of with social media. (Right now I can't remember how to log into my Joy R. Calderwood Facebook page.)
Thanks for your input.