New Here: How do you stay organized with sales?

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New Here: How do you stay organized with sales?

Post by NVulcan »

I have been working with CC for about 10 days now and have already sold two articles! I am happy about that and looking forward to many more.

In anticipation of selling a lot more, I wonder if any seasoned people can give me insight into how they keep track of what they've written and sold? Do you have a spreadsheet of the articles you've written, and then a field that says "Sold" and another field with the price it sold for? Or just a spreadsheet that tracks all the articles you've sold on any site, with fields for the site it sold on, another for the price, etc?

I'd love to know how you do it. Thanks all!
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Re: New Here: How do you stay organized with sales?

Post by Lysis »

I'm completely disorganized and don't track anything. I keep a folder of what I've written on my computer and that's it. But, I've read some posts where writers keep a spreadsheet of all that stuff. It does help with coming up with your own stats.
Word Gypsy
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Re: New Here: How do you stay organized with sales?

Post by Word Gypsy »

I used to keep track in the early days, but I don't bother any more. Too many other things to keep me busy :)
Congrats on your sales! WG
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Re: New Here: How do you stay organized with sales?

Post by tayalltheway »

I'm the same way. I had a spreadsheet going for the first few months, and then I stopped updating it and just abandoned the idea. :lol:
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Re: New Here: How do you stay organized with sales?

Post by evaku »

I don't do anything too special. I just have a folder of accepted content, and inside that folder, one of sold content. But I have a hard time keeping up with that!! I also move every e-mail about a sold article into a separate folder in my e-mail.
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Re: New Here: How do you stay organized with sales?

Post by Lysis »

lol that's the extent of my "organization" too. I have an "InProgress" folder where I have all my CC articles that I'm writing, need to be proofed or got rejected and I need to look at them. Then, I have all my approved stuff in the root CC folder. That's it. I had a "sold" folder too but ditched the idea cuz it was too much hassle and wasn't doing me any good. I have a PrivateProjects folder for private requests, because usually I need to reference back if they want revisions. That's it for me.

The system will let you see what you've sold, when it was approved and when it sold, so if I want to see my stats for a month, I go back and look.
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Re: New Here: How do you stay organized with sales?

Post by NVulcan »

Thanks for the info everyone! I write for another site and for taxes I just go into the past sales information and get the numbers from that. However, I thought I should keep better track since there could be many unsold articles that I might want to re-price at some point. We will see how it goes...
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Re: New Here: How do you stay organized with sales?

Post by Lysis »

I just go through Paypal payments to figure out taxes.
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Re: New Here: How do you stay organized with sales?

Post by Lysis »

I just go through Paypal payments to figure out taxes.
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Re: New Here: How do you stay organized with sales?

Post by remoteriverman »

Same here. I go through Paypal at the end of the financial year to keep the tax vultures happy, and periodically check out what's sold and what's not on my 'My Content' page. I also keep a separate MS Excel page, which has all my monthly freelance writing profits listed (magazines, local non-CC clients, other writing jobs, etc.). This includes any monthly Constant Content payments.

Kevin Casey
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