Full time or part time?

Anything goes.... but SPAM :)

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Post by Keesa »

No problem! The key for me is a daily routine. I walk every morning at the same time, so that clears the cobwebs out of my brain and gives me a chance to think about the day ahead. I'm usually sitting down to work by 7:30, and I write 3 articles for Constant Content before I do anything else (including checking email!!). Depending on how much research the articles take, that usually takes most of the morning. The rest of the morning is for checking email, posting on forums, updating my website, etc.

I take a 2-hour "lunch break" for housework, family, etc. After sitting still for most of the morning, the chance to move is actually welcome. :wink: Then in the afternoon, I write fiction. I know a lot of people who set aside a certain amount of time for writing, but that's never worked for me (it always seems to involve a lot of staring at a blank screen...), so instead, I have a certain amount of words I write daily. Once those words are written, the rest of the day is mine for housework, gardening, personal enrichment, editorial duties (I work as a volunteer for an ezine...it's very cool, but also very labor intensive), or whatever.

Of course, that's only my ideal schedule...when things come up or I have to be somewhere, things get shifted to fit in where they need to be. (I wish I could say that email and forums bite the dust, but unfortunately, my fiction is usually the one to suffer when something comes up. Must work on that...) Fortunately ( :? ) that doesn't happen all that often. I have no life. 8)
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Post by cbhrbooth »

Thanks, Keesa! I love a daily routine too. Perhaps I should return to producing a certain number of words a day. My schedule got thrown in the trash when I had two requests for the full YA manuscript I've been working on. Great!!! (Not complaining!!!) Except. . . I haven't finished the manuscript, so I need to steal writing time from other projects to complete and send in before the editors lose interest.

Anyway -- creating a goal of producing certain number of words-a-day may be a better fit for this particular season. Especially if I can divide my writing day into n/f and fiction. Hmmmm......

Appreciate you sharing!
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Post by missymoo »

Hi all! Can I just say how great it's been to hear about all your writing routines?

And thanks Word Gypsy for the info on setting a structure for yourself. I've been thinking about doing that and will definitely give it a go now. I have recently found three other writing gigs online too, so my income should receive a welcome boost! lol

Here's hoping we can all write for a living soon...

Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

I wish I could work in more fiction time too! Hard with a baby and all.....

Mary, congrats on the YA manuscript requests, that's huge!
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Post by Sarah81 »

Y'all are *far* more organized than I am.

I multitask all day long. Right now, for example, I'm hanging out here in the forums, looking around on a couple of other Web sites, writing a product review and doing laundry.

It works for me, though. There ARE goals in there somewhere *grins* and I usually meet them, so I'm content.
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balancing act

Post by cbhrbooth »

Thanks Celeste! I've been banging on the fiction door for quite a while so I'm excited, but I also know that there's a big gulf between a request for a full manuscript and the selling of a manuscript. But I still did my happy dance when I heard. :lol:

Btw, I shifted from nonfiction writing to primarily fiction when my second daughter was born. I had been working exclusively in print and finally was making some good money, but had a hard time chasing down queries and doing interviews (especially with a crying baby in the background). So I devoted the majority of my time to building my skills in fiction. Only in the last two years have I started to consistently pick up non-fiction projects again.

My baby is now eight :cry: but those years were difficult. Kudos to you (and WordGypsy who has 4 kiddos!) for balancing so much and making a success here at CC. It is not easy!

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Post by Keesa »

Mary, that's amazing that you got those requests!! And I second what you said; it's still a long way from actually selling the book, but wowzers, what an accomplishment! That's great.
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Post by cbhrbooth »

Thanks Keesha! It's so nice to be encouraged!