No problem! The key for me is a daily routine. I walk every morning at the same time, so that clears the cobwebs out of my brain and gives me a chance to think about the day ahead. I'm usually sitting down to work by 7:30, and I write 3 articles for Constant Content before I do anything else (including checking email!!). Depending on how much research the articles take, that usually takes most of the morning. The rest of the morning is for checking email, posting on forums, updating my website, etc.
I take a 2-hour "lunch break" for housework, family, etc. After sitting still for most of the morning, the chance to move is actually welcome.

Then in the afternoon, I write fiction. I know a lot of people who set aside a certain amount of time for writing, but that's never worked for me (it always seems to involve a lot of staring at a blank screen...), so instead, I have a certain amount of words I write daily. Once those words are written, the rest of the day is mine for housework, gardening, personal enrichment, editorial duties (I work as a volunteer for an's very cool, but also very labor intensive), or whatever.
Of course, that's only my ideal schedule...when things come up or I have to be somewhere, things get shifted to fit in where they need to be. (I wish I could say that email and forums bite the dust, but unfortunately, my fiction is usually the one to suffer when something comes up. Must work on that...) Fortunately (

) that doesn't happen all that often. I have no life.