
A place where authors can exchange ideas or thoughts. Talk about what categories are hot and which ones are not.

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Posts: 46
Joined: Mon May 07, 2007 9:45 pm
Location: Hercules, California


Post by janewinstead »

Today two of my articles were accepted. I am very excited. They have been published before so I set them up for Usage for $25 or "best offer." If you use the "best offer" option do you think that takes away from the value of the use? Would it be better to set the Usage price for what you really would like to have and not use the "best offer" option? I would be interested in your opinions.

Thanks, Jane Winstead
Posts: 46
Joined: Mon May 07, 2007 9:45 pm
Location: Hercules, California


Post by janewinstead »

I posted this last week. Does anyone have an opinion? Since I am so new to CC I need all the information I can get.

Thanks, Jane
Shirley Shane
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Joined: Fri May 18, 2007 12:17 pm

Post by Shirley Shane »

I'm new here, Jane, so I can't help any. Sorry, but I just wanted to let you know someone replied to your post... :)

S. Shane
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Location: Hercules, California


Post by janewinstead »

Thanks Shirley. Welcome to CC. I note it has been viewed a number of times just no responses.

Have you had any articles accepted yet? Let me know so I can view them.

Mary Shows
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Post by Mary Shows »

I have never used the "best offer" option so I cannot really speak from experience. But, I have read some earlier threads here where other authors have noted that they were receiving offers that seemed quite low and they were unsure whether to accept. I have thought about adding the "best offer" option to articles that have remained unsold for a while but, then again, I feel that I have priced my articles reasonably and do not really want to sell them for less. So, I guess you just have to decide that issue for yourself. It is hard sometimes to know how to price your articles but I think it is important not to undervalue the work you have put into them. I hope this helps.
Mary Shows
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Location: Hercules, California


Post by janewinstead »

Thanks Mary. I appreciate everyone's thoughts and opinions. The two articles I have posted can only be "usage" as they have been published before. I am working on some articles now to post that I can post for unique and fullrights.

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Post by Sarah81 »

I don't use the "Best Offer" feature because I feel confident in my article pricing. If I try to charge too much and don't get any takers as a result, I can lower the price. I feel that using "Best Offer" - particularly when dealing with "full" or "unique" rights licenses - encourages some customers to offer me a price that's significantly lower than what I'm willing to accept.

Because, let's face it, buyers are not going to use the "Best Offer" feature to say, "Wow, you want 20 for this article? No way - I'll give you 30!" :)
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Location: Hercules, California


Post by janewinstead »

Thank Sarah. I appreciate your advice and opinions.

Shirley Shane
Posts: 28
Joined: Fri May 18, 2007 12:17 pm

Post by Shirley Shane »

Jane, just wanted to answer your questions. You asked if I'd sold any articles. Not yet. I'm very new to this whole concept, and still trying to learn the ropes. So far, I only have 2 articles accepted. I tried with a third (which had already been published elsewhere), but here they're saying they found a few mistakes, so wanted me to go back over it. That surprised me, but also I appreciated their remarks. I've resubmitted it today. Hopefully, through this experience, I'll become a much better writer. :D

S. Shane
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Post by Adsophilos »

Good morning;

I have always wanted to put a used car in the paper for a half-million dollars or best offer. Cold AC, lo miles, cashier's check only.

Any takers?
