2 Ridiculous Rejections, What is Going On?

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Re: 2 Ridiculous Rejections, What is Going On?

Post by jadedragon »

I take issue with this statement. A professional writer is defined by the msn encarta dictionary as "somebody who writes books as a profession". That statement applies to me. If you say that I do not follow proper paragraph structure, that is fine, but then you cannot say you require professionally written content.

What you require is your own standard of content, but classifying it as "professional" is not correct."
Constant Content requires professional writing for the internet because webmasters are the customers. Paragraph structure and certain other writing standards for the internet differ from what we were taught in school.

With all due respect to encarta's outmoded high brow definition (I didn't realize anyone used encarta anymore) professional writing today covers a much broader range of activity including internet writing, blogging, screen plays, etc. Professional writers are not all "somebody who writes books as a profession". Anyone can easily self publish a book and some can make money on it, but that alone does not make them a professional writer or automatically make everything they write professional quality.

4rumid nailed it - one needs to read and follow the guidelines. CC is not a blog or article site where just anything goes. Buyers get what they pay for, mostly articles that sell from $20-$100 and up. Good luck.