Hello, everyone.

New writer to CC, introduce yourself here!

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:15 pm

Hello, everyone.

Post by EMohrman »

Haven't submitted anything yet, but thought I'd say hello anyway.

I staggered here from AC (reckon I know a few people here already) in a probably misguided attempt to branch out and transition from sporadic hobbyist writer to writer writer.

Have spent some time reading through the forum, you seem an amicable enough group. So I doubt I'll fit in too well. Ed's apparently inexhaustible supply of patience has left me wondering whether he might be some sort of Constant Content cyborg creation (aka CCCC). Not that there's anything wrong with that. Might have to be exceptionally difficult just to test my theory.

OK, that's enough.

- E
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Re: Hello, everyone.

Post by DSWaltenburg »

Greetings. I tried AC for about 2 days, and didn't have the patience. I think it's probably just a tad different here! Hope you enjoy yourself here!
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Re: Hello, everyone.

Post by cgardener »

Welcome! You'll find the main difference between here and AC is that Ed actually does read the articles, and they are rejected on quality and content, not because we have enough of that kind of article or some other ridiculous reason.

There will definitely be a learning curve here if you came from there, so read and re-read the writer guidelines, and brush up on your punctuation and spelling. All I can say is write, rewrite, and rewrite, and then when you think it's perfect, read it through again.

But that's what I love about this place. It's quality, and they expect quality.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Hello, everyone.

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Welcome. They're right - CC is much different from AC. A lot of AC writers come here with the AC mindset and tend to either undervalue their abilities (by pricing quality articles at rock bottom AC rates) or overvalue them (because they're "published"). Not that AC is bad; it's just different. Keep an open mind and feel free to ask us anything. We're here to help each other and even if you're a bit grouchy at times, we probably won't bite (much). Just don't push Ed over the edge, okay? :)
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:15 pm

Re: Hello, everyone.

Post by EMohrman »

Thanks for the welcomes and the advice.

Don't worry, I do expect and welcome the learning curve. I have no illusions about what being "published" on AC means, and am familiar with the reigning perception of people who write there. I'm not grouchy, nor do I intend to push Ed. I suppose I should give my standard disclaimer that nothing I say is ever intended to be taken seriously. And I don't mind getting bitten.

- E
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Hello, everyone.

Post by Celeste Stewart »

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Re: Hello, everyone.

Post by SKetcham »

Welcome to CC, E. :)